The first time it happened to me, I was confused for a few seconds and didn’t understand what had happened.
I don’t know how it could be improved, but ideally, there would be no confusion at all.
Now, how many people experienced this interaction and shared this feeling…?
both. as a woman who has worked exclusively in male dominated spaces most of my life and been stalked online on a number of occasions, i find the combined use of unsolicited inbox intrusions, impersonating me to myself, and monitoring of my online behaviour to be creepy even though i know about the bot. i did the new user thing with a test account and it doesn’t interact like a regular user, it feels a bit like an automated stalker.
Do you think some changes to the wording of discobot’s messages, or a change to the avatar or the name, could help to present a helpful rather than creepy aspect? Is the discobot salvageable, from your point of view?
(I think you might get hostility here from people who don’t see things your way, but I think your concerns are valid. There is always the question of how many others will feel the way you do.)
OK, so disabling discobot is surely an option. And disabling by default is surely a suggestion. As for possible fine-tuning discobot interactions, I just signed up on the sandbox to see what the first interaction is, and it’s this:
Thanks for joining Discourse Demo, and welcome!
I’m only a robot, but our friendly staff are also here to help if you need to reach a person.
For safety reasons, we temporarily limit what new users can do. You’ll gain new abilities (and badges) as we get to know you.
interesting i don’t remember seeing that message. i need to go look at it again. fwiw i am just not into the AI chat bot things. probably generational. i’m old. lol
The 90% of our users and myself and I have 3 points to share:
The interactions needs to be properly translated by native spoken people (at least in the bot that are designed to recieve new users).
We need to translate almost every single word not in english for don’t use a kind-of-robot UX and bot it’s probably the more important strings to look.
The chat could be fully simplified, showing some GIFs (admins can make with their own theme, forum systems and language) and stop doing too-much-bot interactions.
Really (no offense) but we don’t like to recieve a gift when clicking bookmark because we prefer ‘I can continue if you press bookmark button’.
You can ask ChatGPT how to start because it’s very good with that kind of questions when it recieve an introductory prompt like ‘you are a bot welcoming users in a discussion forum on internet and you are designed to help with the tools that users can use by their own, with assertive and minimal responses’.
The current one may not be the cutest… For some, at least
I understand the discussion is focused on the interactions themselves, but the feeling some have may come from several factors, so it might be interesting to lean into various aspects of Discobot, even if it seems a stretch. What do you think about it?
Oh yeah I changed it sorry I forget to mentioned. The current one is not the cutest.
I changed it to And also changed the name but the interactions is the default I think. I just translate them in my style. I think everyone’s should make their own customized discobot to their own community. In that style everyones will love it.
i just had a look at the settings on my forum for the disco bot and it is enabled but i noticed the previous admin had disabled the welcome post Settings/ Plugins/ disable discourse narrative bot welcome post . i set it to enabled because i think it should be. i also noticed another option i didn’t know about:
my forum is a sports based one with a demographic made up mostly of male users between the ages of 40 and 80 with a few outliers. it’s definitely not a young group with technical inclinations or an appetite for things like chat bots. these are people who were using the internet when it was dialup bbs action lol. i’m literally the only active woman user at the moment and we have a lot of members (it’s somewhat ironic that i’m the queen bee admin). i would love to enable the chat plug-in for example, but the users won’t have it. same with the sidebar menu. good grief i want to enable it so bad but even my mods want nothing to do with it.