Discobot tutorial gets stuck if 'something else' flag type is selected

This has come up before: Discobot flag step requires any flag except "Something Else".

The issue only seems to occur if the ‘Something Else’ flag type is chosen in the tutorial’s flag step. I previously suggested that the issue could be fixed by the user who was taking the tutorial entering the following text in a post: @discobot resume tutorial. When I test this on my site now, it is not causing the tutorial to be resumed.

The fix that is working for me is to flag a different discobot post in the tutorial as ‘inappropriate’. For example:

When I test this on my site, it causes the tutorial to be resumed.

This is probably something that should be fixed in the Discourse code. Maybe if the ‘Something Else’ flag type is selected, discobot could reply asking the user to flag another of their posts as inappropriate.