Discourse AI Gemini Embeddings Failing to Enable, But Other Features Work Fine

I’m having trouble enabling the “Enable the embeddings module” feature in Discourse AI. When I enable it, Discourse throws an error, and the logs show the following:

Message (multiple occurrences)

Google Gemini Embeddings failed with status: 400 body: {
  "error": {
    "code": 400,
    "message": "API key expired. Please renew the API key.", // This error persists even after renewing the API key
    "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
    ... (rest of the error message)

I have updated my Gemini API Key, but the issue persists. Oddly enough, other Discourse AI features, such as “Enable the topic summarization module” and “Enable the AI helper,” are working correctly.

I’m running the latest versions of Discourse and the Discourse AI plugin.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Am I missing a configuration step?


We had hidden the Gemini API key site setting by mistake, and I’ve just made it show again. Please update to latest and fill the new API under settings.


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