Discourse can't send activation mails after subdomain change

I used SendGrid for Discourse. But after changing subdomain on Discourse activation mails not sending.

Our SMPTP Settings:

   DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS: smtp.sendgrid.net


Failed to process hijacked response correctly : undefined methodemail’ for nil:NilClass`

And ideas?

Have you configured the new subdomain at sendgrid?

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You can try ./discourse-doctor, which attempts to do some debugging of SMTP connections.

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@itsbhanusharma No actually. I think Sendgrind works with just username and password, right? Should I do it?

@pfaffman I use that option and test it my mail system with mail-tester. According to the results, it seems our mail system works fine and it gives me score 9/10 . But sometimes i have trouble with activation mail when i create test user with my own mails.

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Actually the DMARC error you’re talking about probably needs you to edit your dmarc policy to allow sendgrid as an authorized sender. Hence, you need to add the necessary SPF and DKIM records for sendgrid and then create dmarc policy accordingly.

Please check if your notification email property in settings is still pointing to previous domain as that may also cause similar issues.