Discourse Coloring Tag

This is a Discourse theme component that allows admin to change tag’s background color and text color.

Repository Link

Theme Settings

Comma delimited in this order: Tag Name,Background Color,Text Color.
Tag Name: What your Tag Name is.
Background Color: Background Color of the tag.
Text Color: Decide the text color in the tag.

A correct example for settings will be: [Theme-component,#ffffff,black.]
(Both Background color and text color can be either HEX color (#ffffff) or color name (black).


Thanks for pointing me this way

Any plans of add support of images (like https://fontawesome.com/) with a tag like
tag_name, image, background color, text color

apple, fa-apple, red, white

I think you can use emoji in your tags instead.

Does not seems so :pensive:

@tachibanalolo I have a feature request for your consideration.

Would it be possible to make a setting which applies to whole tag groups rather than individually? That way, each tag group could be easily distinguished without having to spend a lot of time mapping each one, and when new tags are added they’d automatically get colorized rather than needing to be added separately.


I second that request, would be happy to pay for such feature as well


There is small conflict’ish between this and Tag icons component. When this is in use icons will disappear. But not vice versa.


it’s compatible with Colored Tag Styles :slight_smile:

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