"discourse: command not found" when trying to restore a backup from the command line

does this still work im getting this error discourse: command not found

Hello john :slight_smile:

Did you run ./launcher enter app before running the discourse command?

root@Canapin:~# cd /var/discourse/
root@Canapin:/var/discourse# ./launcher enter app
x86_64 arch detected.
root@Canapin-app:/var/www/discourse# discourse
  discourse backup                            # Backup a discourse forum
  discourse disable_readonly                  # Disable the readonly mode
  discourse disable_restore                   # Forbid restore operations
  discourse enable_readonly                   # Enable the readonly mode
  discourse enable_restore                    # Allow restore operations
  discourse export                            # Backup a Discourse forum
  discourse export_categories                 # Export categories, all its to...
  discourse export_category                   # Export a category, all its to...
  discourse export_topics                     # Export topics and all users w...
  discourse help [COMMAND]                    # Describe available commands o...
  discourse import                            # Restore a Discourse backup
  discourse import_category                   # Import a category, its topics...
  discourse import_topics                     # Import topics and their users...
  discourse remap [--global,--regex] FROM TO  # Remap a string sequence acros...
  discourse request_refresh                   # Ask all clients to refresh th...
  discourse restore                           # Restore a Discourse backup
  discourse rollback                          # Rollback to the previous work...


this really helped me solve all my issues .

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Now I have an issue I cant rebuild it… how can I exit? to be able to run ./launcher rebuild app

i found my solution in the post above, exit

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