Discourse Cookie Consent Banner

:warning: At this time, it is highly unlikely that this theme component will be enough to comply with GDPR regulations. This is particularly the case if you are using services that introduce 3rd-party cookies. It is highly recommended that you talk to your lawyer and figure out your individual needs

This theme component will allow you to add a customizable Cookie Consent banner to your forum. It simply provides an easy way for Discourse admins to make use of the open source Cookie Consent banner by Insites.


There are several settings to help you personalize the banner to your Discourse forum.

Legal note:

I am not a lawyer. Please make sure this meets your individual legal needs at the time of installing. If there are ways to improve the usefulness of this component, please share!

Relevant reading:
(Deprecated) List of cookies used by Discourse
Cookie compliance under GDPR

Install this theme component