Discourse Footnote

Recipe for allowing your users to create inline popup content using this Discourse Footnote Plugin:

Combine this Plugin with the Composer Footnote Button Theme Component [1] (it provides a button in the Composer/Editor to create footnotes)

You can put anything inside the popups, including HTML.


Text [2]

Text and Image Upload [3]

HTML Content [4]

  1. (install them both) ↩︎

  2. Plain text here. ↩︎

  3. Text and Image Upload
    cookie-monster ↩︎

  4. brainstorm

    When you encounter an open source group for the first time, it may be a bewildering experience. Whether posting to a mailing list for the first time, blogging about the project you’re taking on or hanging out on an IRC channel - the way people interact, and what they expect from each other is pretty different than in classroom or with friends and family.

    Openness and Sharing

    Open source communication can vary a lot. A core value held in common is that sharing code is good. Regardless of license, language or indentation style, open source developers create, share and modify source code together.
