Discourse Gifs

Ok thanks, one question, is the latest version of the plugin compatible with Stable 2.8.1?

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Not sure, as we do not run stable and the chat plugin is still on alpha and rapidly changing.


Ok, I got it, thank you very much.

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@RGJ Question, When the chat runs in stable, then will I have the latest version of the plugin on my forum?

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No, the chat plugin is still on alpha and rapidly changing, and the latest version of the chat plugin does not work on the stable branch of Discourse, so we pin it to an earlier version.


Oh perfect, I had not understood the matter well.

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For those willing to choose Tenor and don’t already have a (v1) key, the component won’t work as it uses the first version of the API, which is legacy. Delivered keys are now v2 and the endpoints have changed :


Tenor support was added by @merefield. Are you planning on updating it for 2.0?


Hi Falco, I’m not sure whether you mean Robert or me :sweat_smile: , as it makes a lot more sense Robert, I’m for sure not planning it (probably out of my depth to do it cleanly, but hey, I could try!)


This is a better link to describe the changes: How to migrate from Tenor's V1 API  |  Google Developers

I’m afraid I am on deadline for a project atm but happy to look at this soon if it remains outstanding.

[2022-09-02T18:17:29.927471 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake themes:update assets:precompile'
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-gifs/plugin.rb'1

Is there a known issue with this component a the moment?

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Hi @Alon1 - it sounds like you’ve tried to install this theme component as a plugin in your app.yml file. This doesn’t work - you should remove the line from your app.yml file.

More context about why this only just started causing errors can be found in this post


Just requested a PR with the changes needed for Tenor V2. Tenor V1 credentials are compatible with V2, so this should hopefully not be a breaking change. I do not have a V1 credential to test, but I tested it with V2 and it works great for me.

My forked branch is open to others but please use it at your own risk.


Great, thank you! I’ve responded on Github.


Actually, having also tested this, I believe V1 key is not compatible and once this is merged users will need to register their site as a project on the Google Cloud Console and add the Tenor API, generate a key and update their settings:

But I don’t think that can be helped and moving to the new API is a very good idea.


I’ll look into adding a v1/v2 toggle to keep this from being a breaking change.


Although that will still be an upstream breaking change once the original API is decommissioned? I’d get a steer from team as to whether that’s necessary. It will give people more time though. Let’s discuss on the PR.


Thanks for the PR @tnoor-co!

Thinking about this, since Tenor V1 API keys are impossible to get now even maintaining this theme component Tenor V1 part will become a hassle, as a developer needs a working API to test it locally.

With that in mind I’d say we remove Tenor V1 from the component now. Admins using Tenor like @PaulinaMX can hold on the update and get a V2 API key before updating. We can also keep a tenor-v1 branch around for a while for people that need it.

What do you think @merefield ?



Whilst keeping in mind that @tnoor-co has put a massive amount of effort in here (and I fear asking him to do more), my hunch tells me we should probably go for broke and remove V1 code entirely for the sake of keeping simplicity & clarity of settings and code in the main branch.

It just feels like a lot of complexity to avoid the inevitable :slight_smile:


Sounds good to me. I’ll push an update this week to remove v1 completely.