Is there a way to have the Discourse Hub functionality available on web? I can use the app on iOS, but I’d be interested if it’s also possible to use it on web / as PWA?
Yes, I use it as PWA both on mobile and web and it’s great. I actually moved most of web apps to PWA (YouTube, LinkedIN, every Discourse site I manage) and it’s way easier than to have browser tabs open.
Tomas I don’t believe that’s correct.
The Hub is an app released to both app stores. It is not a PWA. It may run on macOS using Apple’s recent feature addition to allow you to run iOS apps.
Oh I am sorry, I misread the question. Of course, DiscourseHub IS NOT a PWA. But you can use Discourse as PWA on desktop.
Yes you certainly can and it is fantastic
Yes, it can be installed from the Mac App Store on all machines with an Apple processor.
To the OP, @mdbraber, no, the DiscourseHub app is not available on the web. It’s for Android/iOS/macOS only.