Discourse hub on web or as PWA?

Is there a way to have the Discourse Hub functionality available on web? I can use the app on iOS, but I’d be interested if it’s also possible to use it on web / as PWA?

Yes, I use it as PWA both on mobile and web and it’s great. I actually moved most of web apps to PWA (YouTube, LinkedIN, every Discourse site I manage) and it’s way easier than to have browser tabs open.

Tomas I don’t believe that’s correct.

The Hub is an app released to both app stores. It is not a PWA. It may run on macOS using Apple’s recent feature addition to allow you to run iOS apps.


Oh I am sorry, I misread the question. Of course, DiscourseHub IS NOT a PWA. But you can use Discourse as PWA on desktop.

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Yes you certainly can and it is fantastic :rocket:


And that’s what you get.


Yes, it can be installed from the Mac App Store on all machines with an Apple processor.

To the OP, @mdbraber, no, the DiscourseHub app is not available on the web. It’s for Android/iOS/macOS only.