But hey, Portainer is actually GUI over Docker exactly. So, if most of people fails, and support has only one answer: use dedicated server or pay for cloud version because of lack of documentation, that’s smells strange.
In fact we are using docker. Many people using docker and remains unsupported, because, well… nobody knows why. Support topics with same issues remain unanswered, or with answers like “I see a lot of similar quesions, try to search before posting.”, yes, similar unanswered questions. And if anyone starts complaining, here is “oooooh, it’s not working? too bad, too bad, maybe you’re not techy enough, here, try our pre-paid plans”.
I even tried to create dedicated server with docker on it, install discourse, install portainer on top of that and clone whole setup using docker compose with absolute no success. Looks like pseudo-obfuscaton. Kinda, yeah, it’s MIT, except some nuances.
Yeah, yeah, it’s open source, nobody owes anybody anything, it’s all aboug voluntary and good will, but eh. Just to clarify, I found someone who successed, but it was a short conversation: “I payed for the solution, so, I’m selling it myself for $500”. So here’s the options: buy from officials, or buy from some person or, well, use dedicated just for one purpose server.
If there’s really no other options, maybe it should be mentioned in documentation? Not “just docker and hardware requirements to install”, but strong mention, that you must use whole server only for this product, you can’t use discourse as a part of something else. That conclusion can throw away many unanswered questions moving the idea from “yes you theoretically can, here’s the documentation, search” to “you cannot”.