My discourse forum is accessible only from the IP address, not
In this post Jeff Atwood states:
PLEASE do not link to advice that tells people to set their DNS servers to digital ocean’s. That is seriously toxic. (and why is DO telling people to do this? Awful.)
Rather, all they need to do is go to their existing DNS registrar – the same place they purchased the domain name from, usually – and add an A record pointing to the IP.
I have attempted this on godaddy by changing the default A record to:
A →
Host: forum
Points To: IP address of discourse forum
but it does not work.
My current DNS has only been modified so far to:
CNAME → www →
I have seen in another topic where someone was told to check their app.yml file to make sure the subdomain is correct but I do not know how to do that starting from root@disocourse (discourse being the name of my Digital Ocean droplet)