Discourse Mingle

hi Joshua! I haven’t looked at this plugin for a while, but it seems to me you can get what you want just by creating a new group to use for mingling. This group does not need to be used for any other purpose or be publicly visible to members. Add whoever you want to your minglers group from your other groups and allow them to mingle!


It looks like this wasn’t made specifically for that use case but I think I see where you’re going @Joshua_Kogan, i may have had a similar idea in mind.

@tobiaseigen, i think the reason what you mentioned wouldn’t work is because the quote above. (I’m also assuming that @gdpelican may have meant intra-group matches?)
you could get protege + protege mingle matches, but the admin wants to exclusively facilitate mentor + protege mingle matches.

To take that idea a bit further, I could see the usefulness (selfishly) of also allowing boolean type logic in facilitating targeted matches.

Consider a not-that-hypothetical forum with groups for different majors at a university & groups for the years members graduated in like this:

  • ChemE-Major
  • CS-Major
  • co-2015
  • co-2021

As an admin I might want to pair current students who study Computer Science with alumni who studied Computer Science and do the same for Chemical Engineering majors. In which case I might specify my mingle configuration to target people with mutual/intersecting membership in certain groups as follows:

(ChemE-Major & co-2015) | (ChemE-Major & co-2021)
(CS-Major & co-2015) | (CS-Major & co-2021)

I may have snuck in an extra feature explanation here for allowing you to set up multiple configurations at once, but that would really only make sense if you could target matches to exclusively have members from specific groups.

Curious if anyone sees value in such a feature/extension of this plugin?

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Just curious is this plugin broken for anyone else?

I opened a pull request here for some the issues i encountered when running it on my forum


Usually it is the new users with trust level 0 who just join the forum that need to introduce themselves and get to know others. Can I basically just setup a Mingle between users of only trust level 0? Or maybe, it’d be a bit more fun to setup a mingle between a user with trust level 0 and any other user.

I can see some other purposes of this. In gaming forum, auto pairing two people every defined interval could be a random duel or challenge.

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From what i understand, the current feature set only allows you to define matches amongst a group or combination of groups but doesn’t offer any guarantee that matches will be between people in different groups.

So you could make all trust level 0 people match together, but you couldn’t guarantee all trust level 0 people match with any other user.

to answer in short:


lol agree would be more fun, but no, its not currently an option


I got this in my logs and seems to be something deprecated in Mingle?

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oh, true, yes. i just added that to the open PR as well, thanks

Has anyone experienced a 502 bad gateway error after installing the plugin?

I validated the YAML file, rebuilt as the instructions mention, and then couldn’t access the site. After reverting the changes to the YAML file and rebuilding again, everything was fine again.

This is what I added to the YAML file, for reference:

    - exec:
        cd: $home/plugins
          - sudo -E -u discourse git clone https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git
          - sudo -E -u discourse git clone https://github.com/gdpelican/mingle.git

I agree. This would be great for pairing experienced users with new members so they’ve got a big bro/sis to help guide them. Although i’m not suggesting that instead of the current format as that is also very cool.

I’m just testing it out anyway. Loving your work :slight_smile:

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In the /sidekiq/retries and /sidekiq/morgue, I get this error message:

Jobs::HandledExceptionWrapper: Wrapped ArgumentError: missing keyword: :

There’s not really any information on what keyword its looking for. Anyone have any ideas?

The plugin doesn’t seem to work with the latest version of Discourse. Here’s the error message i get:

I, [2022-02-01T17:41:14.025821 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && [ ! -d 'node_modules' ] || su discourse -c 'yarn install --production && yarn cache clean'
warning Resolution field "lodash@4.17.21" is incompatible with requested version "lodash@4.17.15"
warning " > @mixer/parallel-prettier@2.0.1" has unmet peer dependency "prettier@^2.0.0".

Also, i never found a solution to my post above. Are others still using this plugin?

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I removed it a while ago because of some issues, but would like to reinstall it when it’s functional again!


No, it’s indeed broken on 2.8.


I’m seeing the same warning while doing a rebuild to update to the latest version. However I didn’t install this plugin. How do I trace out where this error is coming from?

Such a shame. I would love to see this plugin running again.

I know its a big tech task, but it would be amazing if core Discourse included some sort of legacy support which would keep old plugins running rather than all the work devs put in to go onto the scrap heap if they aren’t able/willing to constantly update them. I’m not even sure if its feasible since it might spiral, but it would be such a great thing to have.

What about this fork? Last update is from 3 years back but it seems to fix an error not fixed on the main version.

This plugin seems to be great!