Discourse Newsletter Integration

From what I can see in the codebase, it doesn’t look like we sync Mailchimp Audience → Discourse yet. This does feel like something we can look into if more folks request for it.

Having this sync could work well with fixing that known issue mentioned in the OP.

As mentioned, with privacy concerns this can be a bit of an issue. Having done email verification first definitely feels like the way to go. I also understand that there’s a tiny bit of friction having to click “Subscribe” on the banner, but for now we think this is the best option to keep both ends happy. :slightly_smiling_face:


Just to clarify, what I had in mind was an option on the Discourse signup page (“Also sign up for newsletter”). The user wouldn’t be sent any mailing list emails until after the normal Discourse email verification process.

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Hey, sorry if this was asked before, but how do I translate the box that shows up after I install the plugin?

P.S. Great plugin by the way!

You can refer to the docs quoted above.


@nat Thank you! How did I miss that :sweat_smile:

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I’m curious about using PHPList or ListMonk as self-hosted newsletters.
Awesome plugin.

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From what I can see in the codebase, it doesn’t look like we sync Mailchimp Audience → Discourse yet . This does feel like something we can look into if more folks request for it.

@nat – If I understand, since it doesn’t sync Mailchimp-to-Discourse, we could still directly invite people to the same newsletter via Mailchimp, and those readers would never necessarily have any connection with the forum, right? We might have a use case for that.


Any existing Mailchimp Audience Contacts prior to linking up would not be modified. These contacts will stay untouched in Mailchimp, even if they don’t have an account on your Discourse forum.

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Discourse already send email with the news posts to all members of a Discourse forum.
So I don’t understand the added value of this plungin. Can someone explain me please ?
Is it to propose to someone who is not already a member to only suscribe to the newsletter without suscribe to the forum ?

That is one use case. There are several reasons to run a mailing list and a community site with various levels of overlap.

For instance, this site is our support community. :+1:

We might want to send out a newsletter to people who are not using our services or Discourse, because we also operate in other spaces online. :telescope:

In such a case, we could make it easy for our forum members to join our mailing list, even if that isn’t the main purpose for it.

Sounds like your use case is covered, no need for a newsletter plugin. :slight_smile:


Many Thanks Maiki for your feedback.
For the moment I use the Discource native newsletter which works good.
But I was intrigued by this plugin which tickled my curiosity.
My only concern is to make a link or a button on the top of my Discource o invit visitors to suscribe to my forum or my newsletter

Anyone up for Zoho Campaings integration? Just checking…

A post was split to a new topic: Instant Category Updates: Subscribe with One Click

Small vote for Mailjet integration, which is very popular as far as I understand.

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I’ve been tracking the newsletter services recommended here; I’m wondering if we should instead collect these as feature topics, where they may be up-voted to show interest. :thinking:


I would like to throw my support for Covertkit (Kit) integration , which is popular among content creators :raised_back_of_hand:

An excellent idea… and I’m glad to know someone is paying attention.


Did it end up get added to a feature topic? Would like to upvote