Discourse not loading adthrive ads

I got the following message recently and have no idea what the answer is. My forum is https://forum.pistolsfiringblog.com/.

Discourse loads new content without actually refreshing the page, and that’s why your content ads aren’t showing up when you click to a different thread. I’m not sure if Discourse has a setting or configuration option to force the site to refresh when going to a new page but that might be something to check with your developer about.

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What ad network are you using?

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Adthrive – https://www.adthrive.com/

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Sounds incompatible with Discourse, which is a JavaScript app, not a traditional 1999 era website.


@Kyle_Porter Did you ever figure out a way to run AdThrive in a Discourse forum?

I’m not sure, but I think that they didn’t support SPAs until recently.