Discourse Sentry

Repo: https://github.com/debtcollective/discourse-sentry

This plugin integrates https://sentry.io error tracking in the backend and the frontend. We are using at http://community.debtcollective.org

Admin Settings

  • discourse sentry dsn: sentry.io dsn for your project.


What does this offer over the existing, built in Logster error aggregation in Discourse at /logs?

I’m not sure but we use Sentry for the rest of our services, so is natural for us to use it in our community too.


What does this offer over the existing, built in Logster error aggregation in Discourse at /logs ?

E.g. configurable email/slack notifications in case of errors.


I use Sentry for a fairly large Rails development project and it’s nice for tracking issues, assigning people to tasks, tracking resolution, getting alerts and integrating (in our case) with a private GitHub repo.

Because Sentry works well for this current Rails development project, I think soon we will try out this Discourse Sentry plugin and see if there is any benefits but so far it’s nice to track errors remotely and get alerts, manage assignment and tracking issue resolution.

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This Drifting Ruby YT video is useful in describing the core features and setup for Sentry and Rails:

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Is it possible to set different DSNs for frontend and backend?