Discourse, SSO and Microsoft Azure

I am trying to make working SSO for our Discourse instance using this plugin - GitHub - discourse/discourse-oauth2-basic: A basic OAuth2 plugin for use with Discourse

JSON User Endpoint is what is blocking me right now. If I am reading Microsoft’s documentation correctly, there is a UserInfo endpoint Microsoft identity platform UserInfo endpoint - Microsoft identity platform | Microsoft Learn , but “response” part of the documentation says

UserInfo response

    "sub": "OLu859SGc2Sr9ZsqbkG-QbeLgJlb41KcdiPoLYNpSFA",
    "name": "Mikah Ollenburg", // all names require the “profile” scope.
    "family_name": " Ollenburg",
    "given_name": "Mikah",
    "picture": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/photo/$value",
    "email": "mikoll@contoso.com" // requires the “email” scope.

The claims shown in the response are all those that the UserInfo endpoint can return.

Do I understand correctly these are all the attributes this endpoint can return, therefore it cannot be used in configuration of OAuth plugin, because there is for example missing information about username?

Did anyone else made working SSO solution for Discourse based on Microsoft Azure services?

Many thanks

Anyone? Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you