Discourse styleguide plugin fails

Got the following error on startup with https://github.com/discourse/discourse-styleguide

discourse                           | discour INFO  Migrating database...
discourse                           | Error executing 'postInstallation': > Seeding dark and light themes
discourse                           | rake aborted!
discourse                           | Discourse::ScssError: Error: Undefined variable: "$danger-low-mid".
discourse                           |         on line 66 of plugins/discourse-styleguide/assets/stylesheets/colors.scss
discourse                           |         from line 1 of plugins/discourse-styleguide/assets/stylesheets/styleguide.scss
discourse                           |         from line 1 of theme_1.scss
discourse                           | >>   background-color: var(--danger-low-mid, $danger-low-mid);
discourse                           | 
discourse                           |    ------------------------------------------^
discourse                           | /opt/bitnami/discourse/lib/stylesheet/manager.rb:183:in `rescue in compile'
discourse                           | /opt/bitnami/discourse/lib/stylesheet/manager.rb:171:in `compile'
discourse                           | /opt/bitnami/discourse/lib/stylesheet/manager.rb:80:in `block (2 levels) in stylesheet_details'
discourse                           | /opt/bitnami/discourse/lib/stylesheet/manager.rb:66:in `each'
discourse                           | /opt/bitnami/discourse/lib/stylesheet/manager.rb:66:in `block in stylesheet_details'
discourse                           | /opt/bitnami/discourse/lib/stylesheet/manager.rb:64:in `synchronize'
discourse                           | /opt/bitnami/discourse/lib/stylesheet/manager.rb:64:in `stylesheet_details'
discourse                           | /opt/bitnami/discourse/lib/stylesheet/manager.rb:34:in `stylesheet_data'

It is possible that there is a bug in the plugin, but it looks like your Discourse site is installed on Bitnami. The issue you are finding could be related to Bitnami’s using an old version of Discourse.

I just installed the styleguide plugin on my up to date Discourse site without any issues.

Discourse 2.5.3 , so I doubt it’s a Discourse version issue.

But it may be setup issue on Bitnami side, though I do not see anything specific.

Sorry, this is going to have be marked as #unsupported-install we do not support Bitnami here sadly.

Styleguide is now shipped with core, not in a separate plugin repo. (@joffreyjaffeux we may want to blank out that plugin repo)


Styleguide is now shipped with core, not in a separate plugin repo

In that case, this has nothing to do with Bitnami.
It’s just I should not have requested install of this plugin since it’s already there by default (unless I misunderstood).

If that’s the case then, the GitHub repo should defintely mention it.

So far, by my count, you’ve opened 3 support topics about an unsupported install.

Perhaps now you can understand why we have a standard way of installing and supporting Discourse. Our time is not free, just as I’m sure your time is not free.

Perhaps now you can understand why we have a standard way of installing and supporting Discourse. Our time is not free, just as I’m sure your time is not free.

@codinghorror I opened those tickets because I believed those were bugs in the commands or plugins themselves.
I never asked for help regarding the install as I know you will NOT support it (I directly open issues to Bitnami for that).

Of course I understand your point, but I’m sure you can also understand that unfortunately the standard way you provide does not answer all needs. Though I would love to help improve it :wink:

I’m not trying to make you lose time, I just wish to help by reporting what I believe might be issues in Discourse itself.

To be clear we can’t offer any free support for any aspect of a third party installation, including plugins.

Third party packages can have all kinds of unintended and unpredictable side effects. As we can’t rule those out we can’t work through such issues. That’s just a step too far for the free assistance provided here.

If you insist on using something other than the standard install your only support options are via the package maintainer, or via the #marketplace.

To be clear we can’t offer any free support for any aspect of a third party installation, including plugins.

@Stephen Discourse styleguide is an official plugin maintained by Discourse, it’s not third party, but anyway… I get your point.

But the site it’s being installed to isn’t supported, which is why we can’t help you.

I don’t mean to come across as rude, all Discourse instances are a net positive to the world whether we host them or not… but… we have the policies we have (e.g. a standard install) so that we can support the open source installs effectively “for free”.

If you sign up for “hard mode” with a custom install, that’s not really our responsibility, and the resulting topics are more of a distraction than anything else.


Done :white_check_mark: https://github.com/discourse/discourse-styleguide


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