Discourse team efficiency

I just went through Discourse Version 1.9 and realized the amount of work being done by a small team of 20 people is enourmus. This of course not even counting the hosting platform you’re running and hundreds of clients you’re supporting.

You guys definitely have an invisible PBD (productivity boost device) shipped to every teammate, and you add ES (efficiency sauce) to every dish you share when you meet.

I think this is an area other teams can learn a lot from you. I know, it all comes from years of experience and is not just a “dos and donts” list; going through reading lists of co-founders will help to understand how it all works. Still, if you can publish a series of blog posts about your PBD and ES ingredients, a lot of people will have something to print out and put on their wallls in front of their desks.

Please share your experience of team-work :heart_eyes:


Beatings. Lots and lots of beatings. :wink:


Jeff keeps our families locked away in a dungeon somewhere. The slackest employee each month gets to watch over a webcam as a randomly-selected member of their family is forced to watch the Star Wars prequel trilogy.


I envision this being a recurring response

That aside, I concur with the OP - you guys do a great job.


I think a big key to efficiency is enjoying what you do. I won’t speak for everyone, but I know that I enjoy what I do each day. Enjoying my job means I come in each day happy and ready to work, versus hating my job and coming in begrudgingly each day.

Someone famous once said (I heard it from my dad, but he’s not famous):

Love your job and you’ll never work a day in your life.


A team of 20 is fairly large.