Discourse team grows to 50 | Blog

It’s been a long, long time since we wrote about growing our team to 20. The last few years have been good to us and as a result, we’ve grown steadily and have also continued giving back to open source wherever possible. You might have heard of the new arrivals if you frequent the Discourse Meta, but here’s a list anyway.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.discourse.org/2021/04/discourse-team-grows-to-50/

A big, well-deserved round of
to everyone!
And thank you for such a great product.


50??! That’s wild… and great to hear! Love seeing independent companies like Discourse do well.

BTW, have been gone for awhile and came back to see a lot of shiny new things. Props for continually updating the software.

May continued success be yours.