Discourse update keeps failing

Our current base image ships 3.13.14 so it is being compiled on your system.

Can you try reproducing the error with the benchmark script from the commit:

○ → docker run --rm -it -u discourse discourse/base:2.0.20220621-0049 bash
discourse@313d7af3be39:/$ cd
discourse@313d7af3be39:~$ gem install --user pry benchmark-ips oj
Successfully installed oj-3.13.15
5 gems installed
discourse@313d7af3be39:~$ /home/discourse/.local/share/gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin/pry
[1] pry(main)> require 'benchmark/ips'
require 'oj'

def json(string)

Benchmark.ips do |x|
  x.warmup = 5
  x.time = 20

  json_0   = json('a' *   0)
  json_64  = json('a' *  64)
  json_128 = json('a' * 128)

  x.report('Oj.load   [0]') { Oj.load(json_0) }
  x.report('Oj.load  [64]') { Oj.load(json_64) }
  x.report('Oj.load [128]') { Oj.load(json_128) }

You can also check whether or not it was compiled using the problematic instruction with:

discourse@313d7af3be39:~$ objdump -d /home/discourse/.local/share/gem/ruby/2.7.0/gems/oj-3.13.15/lib/oj/oj.so | grep -C3 pcmpestri
   2e32b:	0f 82 b5 03 00 00    	jb     2e6e6 <oj_parse2+0x8a6>
   2e331:	66 0f 6f 05 77 d6 01 	movdqa 0x1d677(%rip),%xmm0        # 4b9b0 <exp_plus+0x330>
   2e338:	00 
   2e339:	66 0f 3a 61 07 00    	pcmpestri $0x0,(%rdi),%xmm0
   2e33f:	83 f9 10             	cmp    $0x10,%ecx
   2e342:	74 dc                	je     2e320 <oj_parse2+0x4e0>
   2e344:	48 63 c9             	movslq %ecx,%rcx

If so, this is probably something to report to the oj gem’s project.