Discourse with Otaku ❤

So I came to know about discourse around 2013 end. There is a saying that first impression is always important. Without a doubt I loved the simplicity of discourse, yet so versatile!
At first I was eager to try it so I launched a gaming community without much planning and thinking. Unfortunately didn’t work out that well, so had move ahead with the closure. Later on after deep thinking and planning I got this idea of starting an otaku community. As I have some buddies who where interested in it.
I moved ahead with discourse again. Here is why.

  • Simplicity
  • highly customizable
  • up to date with cool features.
  • mobile friendly.
  • super fast.
    … 20 points more ( typing this with a mobile :frowning: )

Thanks to the howto I was able to migrate to
.MOE DOMAIN without any issue. Plus add letsencrypt SSL.


Thanks to the contributors and the discourse team for this awesome community Platform.