Discourse Workflow

:information_source: Summary A workflow system for Topics that implements a configurable multi-stage process
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/merefield/discourse-workflow
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse

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A plugin which provides a secure workflow framework for Topics which are passed along a customisable set of steps until the worklfow is complete. Some branching and looping is supported.

Use it for a business workflow you have, like an approval or an issue response process.


A workflow tool for Discourse!

  • Topic based workflow
  • Leverages existing platform security, Categories, Users & Groups.
  • New Admin screens to create new Workflows, Steps and Step Options.
  • New Workflow Discovery list that lists all Workflow Topics you have access to
  • Topic banner for Workflow Topics that tells you:
    • current workflow
    • current workflow step
    • Action buttons if you are part of the group with access to select an Option which determines how the Topic progresses through the workflow
    • link to a visualisation (see above).
  • Workflow visualisation which can be launched from:
    • Topic banner
    • Discovery List
  • Topic post small actions for Workflow transitions to show the audit trail.
  • Notifications for when Topics arrive at a step (ie Category) you are Watching (First Post)
  • Data Explorer support
  • AI can be leveraged to automatically action Workflow Steps.

NB This is an early stage release and the feature set will likely evolve. I’m open to business interest to fund new features and integrations.

Introductory concepts

To leverage the Discourse platform as is as much as possible I’ve created a simple framework that uses many existing features of the platform.

Swim Lanes

Each Workflow swim-lane is a Category (or Sub-Category).

As an instance of a workflow continues along its journey it moves between Categories in a customisable but pre-defined journey.

Workflow Instances

A single instance of a workflow (e.g. a ticket) is a Topic. You can add tags to a Topic to highlight its priority or other meta-data. You cannot amend its Category once it has begun its journey other than by taking workflow actions upon the Topic (unless you are staff).


Any Group which has Topic creation access to a Category can act upon the topics in that Category.

Those that have Reply access can comment on the Workflow item just as they can for a normal Topic.

You can hide Topics within a Category from specific groups in the normal way.

Actions via Options

These are defined for each step when setting up the Workflow. Actors can choose to take any available action as each Option is presented as a button on the Topic.

Actions on a Topic are captured in a Small Action Post to help users understand the journey of the Topic.


A new Topic Discovery filter “Workflows” on the homepage gives a list of Workflow instances (special workflow topics)

You should keep Workflow Categories and ideally tags distinct, so you can also use those to filter for all wofklow instances that are at a particular stage, or have a specific tag.

Audit trail

Each time a Topic transitions to a new step, a note documenting that is added as a Small Action Post on the Topic.

A bundled Data Explorer query provides a basic audit report of journey a worklfow instance has taken.

Because Data Explorer queries can be exposed to user beyond Admin, you can choose who to show them to.


There is a button on each workflow Topic that allows you to bring up a a visualisation of where the Topic is in its workflow

This is also accessible from the workflow fields on the Workflow Discovery Dashboard.

Major differences in behaviour to stock

  • you can’t create a new Topic in a Category that’s beyond the first step of a workflow
  • you can’t change the Category of a Topic that is within a workflow (unless you are staff).
  • only Category “Creators” can act upon a Topic in a Workflow.

Getting Started

The workflow plugin is not bundled with a Workflow, you have to create one.

The screens to create one are in the Admin → Plugins → Discourse Workflow.

First create a new Workflow by hitting the button, save it, then populate it with Steps by Editing the workflow. Each Step, once created, can be Edited to add Options, taken from a list of pre-defined Options.

You can change the label of an Option in Admin → Customize → Text.

I’ve seeded the system with a good range of Options, but if you wish to change the text on each one, go ahead.

In each Worklfow Category, you must then ensure that your “Actors” are set up as having Create rights. Everyone else must have Reply or less.

Your “Actors” may also wish to Track that Category they are responsible for by selecting “Watch First Post”. Then, when a new Workflow Topic arrives, they will be notified with a link.


  • Consider making all worklow steps for a particular workflow a Subcategory within a single Category. Whilst this isn’t necessary it will allow you to simply filter for that Category using existing Discourse Category drop-down in the Discovery list to see all the workflow instances for that specific workflow.
  • In the new Workflow Discovery list you can click on Workflow Name, Position or Step to visualise where that instance is along its path.
  • Use existing official tools for creating structured templates for Topics used in Workflow:
  • Create a link in the Sidebar (or anywhere) to create a new Workflow item and kick off the worklfow: Creating a link to start a new topic with pre-filled information

AI actions

You can leverage AI to handle a step. You need a valid Open AI key added to Workflow settings. You must enable AI on the step. You must also write a prompt that must include {{options}} to let the AI know what options it has and {{topic}} to include the content.

Example prompt:

“your options are {{options}}. if the following text states it is delicious, please accept, otherwise reject. {{topic}} answer with one word from those options”

Known Issues:

Note Mobile Layout is not yet optimal for Workflow Topic List.


Gets some love.


Have deployed a couple of fixes:

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