DiscourseConnect Provider Questions

Thank you Simon. I think this is the process I will go with after considering everything:

  • Export users from Discourse
  • Activate Discourse Connect
  • Import and create those users in Wordpress and mark their emails as verified in WP
  • When these users login (via custom login page) they have to reset their password
    • Somehow force only this segment of users to change their password after they enter their email (and system realizes they are apart of this segment)
    • OR just Show message on login page: “if you are logging in after [date] you must RESET your password”
  • Access should work!

As for new sign-ups that come in, I will need to figure out a way to verify the emails. I’ll probably just email them their passwords.

I also noticed that even if the “Email Address Verified” setting is not selected in the Wordpress profile, the user is still able to SSO onto discourse. They have to confirm their email regardless the first time they enter Discourse though. Which is good.

Do these settings have any side effects?

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