Display a Discourse RSS feed in Discord

This is a guide that explains how to display RSS feeds from your Discourse forum to your Discord server.

You need a Discord Bot. You can use a hosted bot with an RSS cog and add it to your server or install a self-hosted bot and configure it.

For this guide, we’ll use Red-DiscordBot because it is self-hosted. You can install it on your server. It’s very easy to maintain, highly customizable, and actively maintained.)

Setting up the bot

  1. Follow this tutorial to install and configure Red.

  2. Create a new bot account on Discord and add the bot to your Discord server.

Adding the RSS feeds (custom cog)

When the bot is online on your server, you need to add a new custom cog (RSS) from the approved repositories

In your Discord channel type the follow commands (replace ! with your bot prefix):

Allow install of third-party cogs:

 !load downloader

Add aikaterna-cogs:

 !repo add aikaterna https://github.com/aikaterna/aikaterna-cogs

Follow the instruction by typing I agree.

Install the RSS cog:

 !cog install aikaterna-cogs rss

Load the RSS cog:

 !load rss

You now have an RSS cog to configure. Choose the channel you want to use to display your RSS feed.

The RSS feed will be added to the channel you’re currently in. You can add multiple RSS feeds in one channel.

:warning: Your RSS feeds names must be lowercase.

In the chosen channel, type:

 !rss add discourse https://meta.discourse.org/latest.rss

where “discourse” is the name you assign to this RSS feed.

:information_source: Each RSS feed must have a different name.

If you use more than one word in your feed name, you have to use double quotes:

 !rss add "discourse announcements" https://meta.discourse.org/c/announcements/67.rss

You can preview the RSS feed by typing:

 !rss force discourse

or, if your feed name contains spaces:

 !rss force "discourse announcements"

By default, there is no formatting:

We can add a template to show additional information (e.g. the author) in the order of our choice:

 !rss template discourse $author:\n$title\n$link

:information_source: \n creates a line break. You can also use Discord Markdown syntax in your template.

(optional) We can show the feed in an embed block. We’ll do that by typing:

 !rss embed toggle discourse

Note that links won’t show a preview if the RSS feed is embedded.

As a last touch, we’ll add the feed name in the template, so we know where the feed comes from. It’s handy when we have multiple feeds in one channel, especially when they come from the same domain.

 !rss template discourse **Discourse**\n$author:\n$title\n$link

For the discourse announcement feed:

 !rss template "discourse support" **Discourse Announcements**\n$author:\n$title\n$link

To display help about the rss commands, type:

 !rss help

Discourse RSS feeds

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-05-26T07:05:59Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

This RSS feed seems to have disappeared from recent releases.

The URL for tag feeds seem to have changed to /tag/tag-name.rss (singular tag)

The guide has been updated. Please report any issue, or feel free to edit the topic yourself, as it is a wiki. :slight_smile:

The updated list of RSS feeds is here: Discourse RSS Feeds