Display boxes for subcategories above topic list

:bookmark: This guide explains how to display boxes for subcategories above the topic list in Discourse.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrator (or moderator if the moderators manage categories and groups setting is enabled)

There are two ways to display a list of sub-categories within the parent category:

  • in boxes with only the name, logo, and description
  • in boxes with name, logo, and a list of some featured topics

You can enable these styles by visiting the parent category, editing its settings, going to the settings tab, and choosing these options:

Displaying subcategories using boxes

The “Boxes” style is currently being used in our howto category. By using very short category description and adding logos to each subcategory, it looks like this:

Note: The logos are optional, but it’s best to either use logos for all or none of the subcategories.

Displaying subcategories using boxes with featured topics

The “Boxes with featured topics” will include a list of a configurable number of topics.

Set how many topics to show in each sub-category’s settings:

Display subcategories in vertical alignment

Change desktop category page style to “categories with latest” and you will get this view when looking at categories.

Additional resources

If you’d like to further customize how these boxes are displayed, see Customizing subcategory boxes in Discourse

Last edited by @pedrom 2024-07-25T05:10:21Z

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