Dockerfile in official install instructions uses unsupported version of Nginx

Apologies if this is not the correct place to post this. I could not create an issue on Github.

The current referenced version of Nginx in the self hosted Docker install is 1.21.6. here:

This version is end of life and no longer supported. See simplified supported version overview here:

Can this be updated to current stable 1.22 or latest 1.23?



I’m moving this to bug, as it seems like something that warrants attention.

As if the link to the source wasn’t enough, I did this on a recent install:

/# nginx -v
nginx version: nginx/1.21.6
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I have this assigned to me, and it will be rolled out with a new image soon.


New image with latest nginx (among other things) was shipped last week.

Nginx change how multiple instances of the same header are treated, so if you are running multiple reverse proxy layers be careful with the update. We did our best to handle the common cases, but some weirder setups may be affected.


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