Google-protobuf version issue error updating to 3.2.2 from 3.2.1

Continuing the discussion from Breaking change for people on stable versions (v3.2.1 and down) with discourse_docker:

I’ve been attempting to upgrade from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 and have run into this - I tried reverting back to 3.2.1, but still get the error noted here when doing a ./launcher rebuild app.

What do I need to do in order to get my instance back up and running again? I’d prefer version 3.2.2 (I’m mirroring the version we have in a self-supported non-dockerized instance for testing purposes), but would be glad to get back to 3.2.1 as an alternative.

In the referenced thread, there’s a note that the breaking change was reverted [1], but I can’t seem to figure out how to fix my instance.

How do I get back to a functioning docker instance?

  1. ↩︎

Just to be clear, the problem version is a Dockerized installation. I’m not asking for help with a self-supported installation.

Just to recap, you were on a standard stable version of 3.2.1 and performed a /launcher rebuild app to update to 3.2.2 but hit a rebuild error (specifically the one in the linked bug topic).

Could you paste your logs here just to confirm?

Can you bring your ‘pre-rebuild’ site back up using /launcher start app?

Correct. I then tried reverting to 3.2.1 by just changing the version: value from v3.2.2 back to v3.2.1 in the yml file.

Here’s the full output from when I try to rebuild (this happens on either 3.2.1 or 3.2.2 - in this case, it’s 3.2.2 that I’m trying to rebuild):

# ./launcher rebuild app
x86_64 arch detected.
Ensuring launcher is up to date
Launcher is up-to-date
Stopping old container
+ /usr/bin/docker stop -t 600 app
2.0.20240602-0023: Pulling from discourse/base
Digest: sha256:5e0c30da851a00e824a58b033d59b8f3dd840b513a7694a7a5d0674285c0ee3c
Status: Image is up to date for discourse/base:2.0.20240602-0023
/usr/local/bin/pups --stdin
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.189196 #1]  INFO -- : Reading from stdin
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.204472 #1]  INFO -- : File > /etc/service/postgres/run  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.210369 #1]  INFO -- : File > /etc/service/postgres/log/run  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.242802 #1]  INFO -- : File > /etc/runit/3.d/99-postgres  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.278471 #1]  INFO -- : File > /root/install_postgres  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.285823 #1]  INFO -- : File > /root/upgrade_postgres  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.286335 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing data_directory = '/var/lib/postgresql/13/main' with data_directory = '/shared/postgres_data' in /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.288417 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:#?listen_addresses *=.*) with listen_addresses = '*' in /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.288949 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:#?synchronous_commit *=.*) with synchronous_commit = $db_synchronous_commit in /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.289425 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:#?shared_buffers *=.*) with shared_buffers = $db_shared_buffers in /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.289877 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:#?work_mem *=.*) with work_mem = $db_work_mem in /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.290317 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:#?default_text_search_config *=.*) with default_text_search_config = '$db_default_text_search_config' in /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.290807 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:#?checkpoint_segments *=.*) with checkpoint_segments = $db_checkpoint_segments in /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.291237 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:#?logging_collector *=.*) with logging_collector = $db_logging_collector in /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.291687 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:#?log_min_duration_statement *=.*) with log_min_duration_statement = $db_log_min_duration_statement in /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.292292 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:^#local +replication +postgres +peer$) with local replication postgres  peer in /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.292682 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:^host.*all.*all.*127.*$) with host all all md5 in /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.293062 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:^host.*all.*all.*::1\/128.*$) with host all all ::/0 md5 in /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.293475 #1]  INFO -- : > [ -f /root/install_postgres ] && /root/install_postgres && rm -f /root/install_postgres
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.617564 #1]  INFO -- : Generating locales (this might take a while)...
Generation complete.

I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.617883 #1]  INFO -- : > HOME=/var/lib/postgresql USER=postgres exec chpst -u postgres:postgres:ssl-cert -U postgres:postgres:ssl-cert /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/postmaster -D /etc/postgresql/13/main
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.627053 #1]  INFO -- : File > /usr/local/bin/create_db  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.634858 #1]  INFO -- : File > /var/lib/postgresql/take-database-backup  chmod: +x  chown: postgres:postgres
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.646035 #1]  INFO -- : File > /var/spool/cron/crontabs/postgres  chmod:   chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:37.646530 #1]  INFO -- : > sleep 5
2024-06-19 16:29:37.752 UTC [36] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 13.15 (Debian 13.15-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
2024-06-19 16:29:37.753 UTC [36] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2024-06-19 16:29:37.753 UTC [36] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
2024-06-19 16:29:37.764 UTC [36] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2024-06-19 16:29:37.779 UTC [45] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2024-06-19 16:28:49 UTC
2024-06-19 16:29:37.792 UTC [36] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:42.649466 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:42.649741 #1]  INFO -- : > /usr/local/bin/create_db
2024-06-19 16:29:42.758 UTC [55] postgres@postgres ERROR:  database "discourse" already exists
2024-06-19 16:29:42.758 UTC [55] postgres@postgres STATEMENT:  CREATE DATABASE discourse;
createdb: error: database creation failed: ERROR:  database "discourse" already exists
2024-06-19 16:29:42.838 UTC [58] postgres@discourse ERROR:  role "discourse" already exists
2024-06-19 16:29:42.838 UTC [58] postgres@discourse STATEMENT:  create user discourse;
ERROR:  role "discourse" already exists
NOTICE:  extension "hstore" already exists, skipping
NOTICE:  extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping
NOTICE:  extension "vector" already exists, skipping
NOTICE:  extension "hstore" already exists, skipping
NOTICE:  extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping
NOTICE:  extension "vector" already exists, skipping
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.496414 #1]  INFO -- : GRANT

I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.496557 #1]  INFO -- : > echo postgres installed!
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.500829 #1]  INFO -- : postgres installed!

I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.508723 #1]  INFO -- : File > /etc/service/redis/run  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.516429 #1]  INFO -- : File > /etc/service/redis/log/run  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.523894 #1]  INFO -- : File > /etc/runit/3.d/10-redis  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.524636 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing daemonize yes with  in /etc/redis/redis.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.525669 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:^pidfile.*$) with  in /etc/redis/redis.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.526428 #1]  INFO -- : > install -d -m 0755 -o redis -g redis /shared/redis_data
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.531798 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.532263 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:^logfile.*$) with logfile "" in /etc/redis/redis.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.533104 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:^bind .*$) with  in /etc/redis/redis.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.533859 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:^dir .*$) with dir /shared/redis_data in /etc/redis/redis.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.534726 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:^protected-mode yes) with protected-mode no in /etc/redis/redis.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.535413 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing # io-threads 4 with io-threads $redis_io_threads in /etc/redis/redis.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.536124 #1]  INFO -- : > echo redis installed
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.539548 #1]  INFO -- : redis installed

I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.539828 #1]  INFO -- : > cat /etc/redis/redis.conf | grep logfile
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.547576 #1]  INFO -- : logfile ""

I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.547869 #1]  INFO -- : > exec chpst -u redis -U redis /usr/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:43.550551 #1]  INFO -- : > sleep 10
98:C 19 Jun 2024 16:29:43.568 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
98:C 19 Jun 2024 16:29:43.568 # Redis version=7.0.7, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=98, just started
98:C 19 Jun 2024 16:29:43.568 # Configuration loaded
98:M 19 Jun 2024 16:29:43.569 * monotonic clock: POSIX clock_gettime
98:M 19 Jun 2024 16:29:43.570 * Running mode=standalone, port=6379.
98:M 19 Jun 2024 16:29:43.570 # Server initialized
98:M 19 Jun 2024 16:29:43.571 * Loading RDB produced by version 7.0.7
98:M 19 Jun 2024 16:29:43.571 * RDB age 56 seconds
98:M 19 Jun 2024 16:29:43.571 * RDB memory usage when created 2.72 Mb
98:M 19 Jun 2024 16:29:43.574 * Done loading RDB, keys loaded: 1439, keys expired: 7.
98:M 19 Jun 2024 16:29:43.574 * DB loaded from disk: 0.003 seconds
98:M 19 Jun 2024 16:29:43.574 * Ready to accept connections
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.554340 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.554739 #1]  INFO -- : > thpoff echo "thpoff is installed!"
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.568722 #1]  INFO -- : thpoff is installed!

I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.569423 #1]  INFO -- : > /usr/local/bin/ruby -e 'if ENV["DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS"] == ""; puts "Aborting! Mail is not configured!"; exit 1; end'
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.644769 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.644882 #1]  INFO -- : > /usr/local/bin/ruby -e 'if ENV["DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME"] == ""; puts "Aborting! Domain is not configured!"; exit 1; end'
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.698408 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.698552 #1]  INFO -- : > /usr/local/bin/ruby -e 'if (ENV["DISCOURSE_CDN_URL"] || "")[0..1] == "//"; puts "Aborting! CDN must have a protocol specified. Once fixed you should rebake your posts now to correct all posts."; exit 1; end'
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.769418 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.769642 #1]  INFO -- : > rm -f /etc/cron.d/anacron
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.773445 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.777142 #1]  INFO -- : File > /etc/cron.d/anacron  chmod:   chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.784282 #1]  INFO -- : File > /etc/runit/1.d/copy-env  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.792507 #1]  INFO -- : File > /etc/service/unicorn/run  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.800157 #1]  INFO -- : File > /etc/service/nginx/run  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.806613 #1]  INFO -- : File > /etc/runit/3.d/01-nginx  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.813587 #1]  INFO -- : File > /etc/runit/3.d/02-unicorn  chmod: +x  chown: 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.813756 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing # postgres with if [ -f /root/install_postgres ]; then
  rm /root/install_postgres
sv start postgres || exit 1
 in /etc/service/unicorn/run
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:53.815437 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -H -E -u discourse git reset --hard
Updating files: 100% (34508/34508), done.
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:56.326930 #1]  INFO -- : HEAD is now at 62b1b69e8 UX: constrain width of chat transcripts in posts (#27288)

I, [2024-06-19T16:29:56.327046 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -H -E -u discourse git clean -f
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:56.461596 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:56.461718 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -H -E -u discourse bash -c '
  set -o errexit
  if [ $(git rev-parse --is-shallow-repository) == "true" ]; then
      git remote set-branches --add origin main
      git remote set-branches origin v3.2.2
      git fetch --depth 1 origin v3.2.2
      git fetch --tags --prune-tags --prune --force origin
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/add_filter_webhook_events_by_status
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/add_lifecycle_rule_for_inventories
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/application-route-actions
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/avoid_unformatted_logs
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/categories-modal-fix
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/decorator-transforms-take-2
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/dependabot/bundler/rails_failover-2.1.0
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/dev/ember-58-upgrade-playground
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/dev/rfc-value-modifier-plugin-api
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/dev/standalone-home-logo-contents-component
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/discourse-route-actions
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/discourse-url-native-class
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/fix-bbcode-parser
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/fix-group-chat-member-count
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/ghost-button
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/issue/bulk-action-pm-fixes
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/loic-update-to-rails-7.1
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/migrations-tooling/converter
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/permalinks
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/route-native-class
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/search-result-consistency
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/support_alternate_bucket_s3_inventory
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/update-official-plugin-list
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/user-posts-stream-native-class
 - [deleted]             (none)     -> origin/ux-account-disclaimer
   62b1b69e8..b2a9676f0  main                    -> origin/main
 * [new branch]          0-a-fix-bread           -> origin/0-a-fix-bread
 * [new branch]          0-a-topic-status        -> origin/0-a-topic-status
 * [new branch]          add_mechanism_to_redeliver_all_webhook_events -> origin/add_mechanism_to_redeliver_all_webhook_events
 * [new branch]          add_mechanism_to_redeliver_all_webhook_events_wip -> origin/add_mechanism_to_redeliver_all_webhook_events_wip
 + 098e99e83...f82803b6a coco/generic-importer   -> origin/coco/generic-importer  (forced update)
 * [new branch]          dependabot/bundler/libv8-node- -> origin/dependabot/bundler/libv8-node-
 * [new branch]          dependabot/bundler/oauth2-2.0.9 -> origin/dependabot/bundler/oauth2-2.0.9
 * [new branch]          dependabot/bundler/omniauth-2.1.2 -> origin/dependabot/bundler/omniauth-2.1.2
 * [new branch]          dependabot/bundler/omniauth-google-oauth2-1.1.2 -> origin/dependabot/bundler/omniauth-google-oauth2-1.1.2
 + 01982d4eb...8dbbc3bbc dependabot/bundler/sqlite3-2.0.2 -> origin/dependabot/bundler/sqlite3-2.0.2  (forced update)
 * [new branch]          detect-default-readonly -> origin/detect-default-readonly
 * [new branch]          dev-remove-invalid-csp-script-src-values -> origin/dev-remove-invalid-csp-script-src-values
 * [new branch]          dev/add-behavior-transformers -> origin/dev/add-behavior-transformers
 * [new branch]          dev/backend-for-admin-config-area-about -> origin/dev/backend-for-admin-config-area-about
 * [new branch]          dev/ember-source-5.9.0-upgrade -> origin/dev/ember-source-5.9.0-upgrade
 * [new branch]          dev/enable-admin-notice-glimmer-header -> origin/dev/enable-admin-notice-glimmer-header
 * [new branch]          dev/header-contents-outlet -> origin/dev/header-contents-outlet
 + fc63df2f0...a1e330e65 feature/user-fields-required-for-existing-users-2 -> origin/feature/user-fields-required-for-existing-users-2  (forced update)
 * [new branch]          fix-custom-homepage-preloading -> origin/fix-custom-homepage-preloading
 * [new branch]          fix-password-reset-security-key -> origin/fix-password-reset-security-key
 * [new branch]          fix-post-revision-tags-serializer -> origin/fix-post-revision-tags-serializer
   b3d6801e8..f8f0ed481  formtoolkit             -> origin/formtoolkit
 * [new branch]          grant-admin-fetch-user  -> origin/grant-admin-fetch-user
 * [new branch]          issue/do-not-enforce-2fa-on-social-logins -> origin/issue/do-not-enforce-2fa-on-social-logins
 * [new branch]          issue/topic-view-real-browser-tracking -> origin/issue/topic-view-real-browser-tracking
 * [new branch]          jjaffeux-otp-validation -> origin/jjaffeux-otp-validation
 * [new branch]          loic-rails-7.1-upgrade-take-2 -> origin/loic-rails-7.1-upgrade-take-2
 * [new branch]          loic-use-messageformat-gem -> origin/loic-use-messageformat-gem
 * [new branch]          mt/converter            -> origin/mt/converter
 * [new branch]          rake-task-monitor-rebaking-progress -> origin/rake-task-monitor-rebaking-progress
 * [new branch]          remove-btn-transitions  -> origin/remove-btn-transitions
 * [new branch]          remove-summarization    -> origin/remove-summarization
   5558028f8..d0c2a9164  stable                  -> origin/stable
   62b1b69e8..604ca4d46  tests-passed            -> origin/tests-passed
 * [new branch]          ux-remove-quaternary    -> origin/ux-remove-quaternary
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:57.270097 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:29:57.270275 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -H -E -u discourse bash -c '
  set -o errexit
  if [[ $(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD) == v3.2.2 ]] ; then
      git pull
      git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout v3.2.2
HEAD is now at 747ecc1f8 Bump version to v3.2.2
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.501591 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.501740 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -H -E -u discourse git config user.discourse-version v3.2.2
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.519370 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.519528 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && mkdir -p tmp
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.524857 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.524986 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && chown discourse:www-data tmp
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.529833 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.529903 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && mkdir -p tmp/pids
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.534525 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.534607 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && mkdir -p tmp/sockets
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.538844 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.538929 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && touch tmp/.gitkeep
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.543937 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.544038 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && mkdir -p                    /shared/log/rails
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.548959 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.549060 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && bash -c "touch -a           /shared/log/rails/{production,production_errors,unicorn.stdout,unicorn.stderr,sidekiq}.log"
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.555980 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.556101 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && bash -c "ln    -s           /shared/log/rails/{production,production_errors,unicorn.stdout,unicorn.stderr,sidekiq}.log /var/www/discourse/log"
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.563456 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.563569 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && bash -c "mkdir -p           /shared/{uploads,backups}"
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.570907 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.571015 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && bash -c "ln    -s           /shared/{uploads,backups} /var/www/discourse/public"
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.578365 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.578487 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && bash -c "mkdir -p           /shared/tmp/{backups,restores}"
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.585995 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.586105 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && bash -c "ln    -s           /shared/tmp/{backups,restores} /var/www/discourse/tmp"
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.593324 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.593444 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && chown -R discourse:www-data /shared/log/rails /shared/uploads /shared/backups /shared/tmp
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.990438 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.990596 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && [ ! -d public/plugins ] || find public/plugins/ -maxdepth 1 -xtype l -delete
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.993796 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.994012 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing # redis with sv start redis || exit 1 in /etc/service/unicorn/run
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:02.994864 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse/plugins && git clone
Cloning into 'docker_manager'...
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:03.763190 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:03.763339 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse/plugins && sudo -E -u discourse git clone
Cloning into 'discourse-stopforumspam'...
warning: unable to access '/root/.config/git/attributes': Permission denied
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:04.489256 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:04.489447 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse/plugins && sudo -E -u discourse git clone
Cloning into 'discourse-openid-connect'...
warning: unable to access '/root/.config/git/attributes': Permission denied
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:05.077859 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:05.078029 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse/plugins && sudo -E -u discourse git clone
Cloning into 'discourse-solved'...
warning: unable to access '/root/.config/git/attributes': Permission denied
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:06.381166 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:06.381369 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse/plugins && sudo -E -u discourse git clone
Cloning into 'discourse-data-explorer'...
warning: unable to access '/root/.config/git/attributes': Permission denied
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:07.110252 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:07.110401 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse/plugins && sudo -E -u discourse git clone
Cloning into 'discourse-rss-polling'...
warning: unable to access '/root/.config/git/attributes': Permission denied
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.162550 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.163202 #1]  INFO -- : > cp /var/www/discourse/config/nginx.sample.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.171245 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.171542 #1]  INFO -- : > rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.175899 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.176038 #1]  INFO -- : > mkdir -p /var/nginx/cache
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.180113 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.180481 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing pid /run/; with daemon off; in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.180996 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?m-ix:upstream[^\}]+\}) with upstream discourse { server; } in /etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.181467 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:server_name.+$) with server_name _ ; in /etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.181952 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:client_max_body_size.+$) with client_max_body_size $upload_size ; in /etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.187456 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing (?-mix:worker_connections.+$) with worker_connections $nginx_worker_connections ; in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.187758 #1]  INFO -- : > echo "done configuring web"
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.191735 #1]  INFO -- : done configuring web

I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.192060 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && gem install bundler --conservative -v $(awk '/BUNDLED WITH/ { getline; gsub(/ /,""); print $0 }' Gemfile.lock)
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.490376 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:11.490484 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && find /var/www/discourse ! -user discourse -exec chown discourse {} \+
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:12.418148 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:12.418551 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && if [ "v3.2.2" != "tests-passed" ]; then
  rm -rf app/assets/javascripts/node_modules
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:12.423540 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:30:12.423656 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile && yarn cache clean'
warning "@discourse/lint-configs > eslint-plugin-ember > ember-eslint-parser@0.2.5" has unmet peer dependency "@typescript-eslint/parser@^6.15.0".
warning "@discourse/lint-configs > eslint-plugin-ember > ember-eslint-parser@0.2.5" has incorrect peer dependency "typescript@^5.3.3".
warning " > @glint/environment-ember-loose@1.3.0" has unmet peer dependency "@glimmer/component@^1.1.2".
warning Resolution field "unset-value@2.0.1" is incompatible with requested version "unset-value@^1.0.0"
warning Pattern ["wrap-ansi@^7.0.0"] is trying to unpack in the same destination "/home/discourse/.cache/yarn/v6/npm-wrap-ansi-cjs-7.0.0-67e145cff510a6a6984bdf1152911d69d2eb9e43-integrity/node_modules/wrap-ansi-cjs" as pattern ["wrap-ansi-cjs@npm:wrap-ansi@^7.0.0"]. This could result in non-deterministic behavior, skipping.
warning " > discourse-markdown-it@1.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "xss@*".
warning "workspace-aggregator-eedacfe6-1247-45f5-b721-910d0d6109a7 > discourse > @uppy/aws-s3@3.0.6" has incorrect peer dependency "@uppy/core@^3.1.2".
warning "workspace-aggregator-eedacfe6-1247-45f5-b721-910d0d6109a7 > discourse > @uppy/aws-s3-multipart@3.1.3" has incorrect peer dependency "@uppy/core@^3.1.2".
warning "workspace-aggregator-eedacfe6-1247-45f5-b721-910d0d6109a7 > discourse > @uppy/xhr-upload@3.1.1" has incorrect peer dependency "@uppy/core@^3.1.2".
warning "workspace-aggregator-eedacfe6-1247-45f5-b721-910d0d6109a7 > discourse > ember-router-service-refresh-polyfill@1.1.0" has incorrect peer dependency "ember-source@^3.4 || 4".
warning "workspace-aggregator-eedacfe6-1247-45f5-b721-910d0d6109a7 > discourse-plugins > ember-this-fallback@0.4.0" has unmet peer dependency "ember-source@^3.28.11 || ^4.0.0".
warning "workspace-aggregator-eedacfe6-1247-45f5-b721-910d0d6109a7 > admin > ember-source > router_js@8.0.3" has unmet peer dependency "rsvp@^4.8.5".
warning "workspace-aggregator-eedacfe6-1247-45f5-b721-910d0d6109a7 > discourse > @uppy/aws-s3 > @uppy/xhr-upload@3.3.0" has incorrect peer dependency "@uppy/core@^3.2.1".
I, [2024-06-19T16:31:12.560930 #1]  INFO -- : yarn install v1.22.22
[1/5] Validating package.json...
[2/5] Resolving packages...
[3/5] Fetching packages...
[4/5] Linking dependencies...
[5/5] Building fresh packages...
$ yarn --cwd app/assets/javascripts $(node -e 'const argv = JSON.parse(process.env.npm_config_argv).original; const passthrough = [`--frozen-lockfile`, `-s`].filter(arg => argv.includes(arg)); console.log(passthrough.join(` `));')
yarn install v1.22.22
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
$ ./run-patch-package
patch-package 8.0.0
Applying patches...
@ember/test-helpers@2.9.4 ✔
babel-plugin-debug-macros@0.3.4 ✔
content-tag@1.2.2 ✔
ember-cli@5.0.0 ✔
ember-this-fallback@0.4.0 (1 deprecation-name) ✔
ember-this-fallback@0.4.0 (2 themes) ✔
ember-this-fallback@0.4.0 (3 exclude-strict-mode) ✔
virtual-dom@2.1.1 ✔
Done in 28.86s.
Done in 54.65s.
yarn cache v1.22.22
success Cleared cache.
Done in 4.90s.

I, [2024-06-19T16:31:12.561489 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle config --local deployment true'
I, [2024-06-19T16:31:12.787714 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2024-06-19T16:31:12.787885 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle config --local without "development test"'
I, [2024-06-19T16:31:12.971751 #1]  INFO -- : You are replacing the current local value of without, which is currently "test:development"

I, [2024-06-19T16:31:12.971890 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle install --retry 3 --jobs 4'
google-protobuf-3.25.2-x86_64-linux requires ruby version <, >= 2.7,
which is incompatible with the current version, 3.3.2
I, [2024-06-19T16:31:21.798426 #1]  INFO -- : Fetching gem metadata from

I, [2024-06-19T16:31:21.799159 #1]  INFO -- : Terminating async processes
I, [2024-06-19T16:31:21.799214 #1]  INFO -- : Sending INT to HOME=/var/lib/postgresql USER=postgres exec chpst -u postgres:postgres:ssl-cert -U postgres:postgres:ssl-cert /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/postmaster -D /etc/postgresql/13/main pid: 36
I, [2024-06-19T16:31:21.799271 #1]  INFO -- : Sending TERM to exec chpst -u redis -U redis /usr/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf pid: 98
2024-06-19 16:31:21.799 UTC [36] LOG:  received fast shutdown request
98:signal-handler (1718814681) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2024-06-19 16:31:21.804 UTC [36] LOG:  aborting any active transactions
2024-06-19 16:31:21.807 UTC [36] LOG:  background worker "logical replication launcher" (PID 51) exited with exit code 1
2024-06-19 16:31:21.809 UTC [46] LOG:  shutting down
98:M 19 Jun 2024 16:31:21.836 # User requested shutdown...
98:M 19 Jun 2024 16:31:21.836 * Saving the final RDB snapshot before exiting.
98:M 19 Jun 2024 16:31:21.865 * DB saved on disk
98:M 19 Jun 2024 16:31:21.865 # Redis is now ready to exit, bye bye...
2024-06-19 16:31:21.923 UTC [36] LOG:  database system is shut down

Pups::ExecError: cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle install --retry 3 --jobs 4' failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 684 exit 5>
Location of failure: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.3.0/gems/pups-1.2.1/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:132:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params {"cd"=>"$home", "hook"=>"bundle_exec", "cmd"=>["su discourse -c 'bundle config --local deployment true'", "su discourse -c 'bundle config --local without \"development test\"'", "su discourse -c 'bundle install --retry 3 --jobs 4'"]}
bootstrap failed with exit code 5
** FAILED TO BOOTSTRAP ** please scroll up and look for earlier error messages, there may be more than one.
./discourse-doctor may help diagnose the problem.

If I run ./launcher start app, that gets the old v3.2.1 container running again. I hadn’t thought to do that to get it running again (since it’s a non-production instance, not a huge issue to not have it running).

I would like to get it to 3.2.2, though, but not sure how to proceed.


1 Like

We hear you but it’s worth pointing, yet again, that the default version of Discourse that we ship (tests-passed) is the most tested and compatible. This is yet another example of people going out of their way and switching to the “stable” version encountering some bugs that fall between the cracks because it’s a not the most popular version deployed.

@tgxworld we need to bump the sass gem in stable to solve this AFAIK

1 Like

Appreciate the feedback, as always.

I just wanted to make sure that I had been clear that I wasn’t running the unsupported developer-style build, but a reference build in Docker that I use so that if we have problems with our self-supported deployment (our infrastructure team prefers to package everything themselves), I can go back to the reference. We don’t run the betas in our self-supported build, and do sometimes lag behind the latest stable release as a result.

In this particular case, because our production deployment is self-supported, we actually had fixed the ruby issue, but I wasn’t sure how to fix the issue in the docker image itself without rebuilding the image myself.


Just to close this out - we’ve now migrated to 3.3.0, and this issue is now moot for us.


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