Documentation: Tips & tricks how to use search?

First some general meta :wink:

On my forum I used decent amount of categories. Mostly because of I had same structure on another sites and everybody is doing same. But as everyone knows, or should know, a lot of categories and plenty of sub-categories plus all sub-sub-categories are almost impossible to handle. And the most important part: categories donā€™t help an user to find relevant content.

Nothing new actually. That is one reason why Discourse supports only two level categories and using tags are guided so often.

Quite many are against tag, though. I reckon it leads to wide misuse of tags on another platforms, mixing them with keywords (partly tags and keywords are same) and hashtag abuse by Instagram etc. Plusā€¦ common point on view is because of that history ordinary users donā€™t know how to use tags.

They can. For them, what they see on the screen, tags are same thing than categories ā€” but gives better results (IF used right by admins).

But tags work best with searches. And that is an issue too. As tags are widely misused so it is searches ā€” because it just doesnā€™t work. Users had learned not to use search, because it gives too many hits. It is neverending fight between skills of users, should all hits shown to an user or can we use someking guessing like Google is doing.

That is an issue devs must solve out. But it is different story.

Anyway. Mine audience are just ordinary people, not tech-savvy what so ever. They have difficulties to start use composer of Discourse and they couldnā€™t change theme. Sure, they can now, mostly, but it needed a quite lot guidance.

But they adapt lack of categories and started use tags right away. For them it was really intuitive act. Or as a couple users said: clicking tags is like searching, but better. All I needed to do on guidance level was just to tell then click tags and find out what happends and tell where Tags on hamburger leads.

Back to business

Discourse has one of the best search engines on free web-world. It is not perfect, of course, but is far superior than native search of wordPress or another CMSes (if you donā€™t know WordPress search plugin Relevantti, you should check it out; it is quite good).

Iā€™m teaching now my users how to improve search results. Actually even that was much easier task than I expected ā€” and those users almost never use search anywhere (I donā€™t blame them, because searches sucks so often).

But now Iā€™m lacking some references. I know Discourse can use plenty of tricks right in the search terms ā€” but those fragments and bits of knowledge are spreaded inā€¦ many posts and topics.

I know ā€” writing document and tips&tricks need more work than coding itself. Iā€™ve done documentation quite lot. It is not just to write one, but there must be at least three different documents depending of need and skills of users. Plus someone should keep those updated too.

Thatā€™s why I totally understand I couldnā€™t find overwhelming guide of mastering searches on Discourse :wink: (or I justā€¦ canā€™t search)

What Iā€™m asking from community is

  • simple listing for (or of; sometimes I hate english so much) search parameters or just examples/links
  • teach your users to use search, most of them just canā€™t
  • dump categories and start using tags instead (well, it needs some planning to do right, though)

Very much agreed. There are 2 excellent plugins that can also enhance user xp with searches.

  • Saved Searches
  • Docs

However yes setting up forum guides is a definite must to help users better use a forum and improve there xp. That is where the Docs plugin can definitely be an asset. There is also a theme component that can be used with docs plugin.

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@hugh / @JammyDodger do we need something like this in the documentation topic?


There is Search tips and tricks šŸ”Ž


Cool I integrated everything (using the claude-3.5-sonnet) happy with the edit, but feel free to review.


I removed most of them because:

I like that the topic highlights the filters that I canā€™t discover by using the advanced search. If you want to change the scope, just revert the edit.

I left the order options because those are not shown in the search input field, so itā€™s more difficult to use them without the drop-down.

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I think its better to change the scopeā€¦ this rule feels very arbitrary. Maybe we just edit ā€œThis topic aims to list other filters that arenā€™t available in the advanced search formā€ out of it?

@JammyDodger what do you think?

I get that you can discover a lot by clicking around but the documentation saves you from that. Plus this edit makes search less good.


tracking search will no longer find this document which is a shame.