Docuss: a plugin to integrate your website with your Discourse forum


Docuss allows to integrate your website (or web app) with your Discourse forum.
Benefits :

  • Smoother user experience
  • Website/forum interactions: discuss a page, discuss parts of a page, etc.


Please have a look at Mustacchio, a fake website demonstrating the main Docuss features.

More info

See the main repo here.


I added 2 more demos:

Discuss The Web
A sample Meteor+React web app.

A single page of a live website, with discussions added to each heading.

(see the repo for additional details)


How to add page?

@Bank_Live, please see the updated documentation here.

Docuss now supports Wordpress blogs. See the demo here and the repo here.


Hi. This is a cool plugin, and I’m wondering if I can use it to help with my goal of allowing users to create subforums (potentially my site would provide the subforum page with title and description, and then with this plugin I’d insert the discourse discussion that’s part of the subforum).

But what’s the method by which the plugin actually add the forum to a site? I had thought that embedding discourse on a site was not encouraged, and iframes were expressly discouraged.

Sorry, I don’t know how Docuss can help with this. Docuss connects Discourse topics to existing website pages. So, unless you allow your users to create website pages, it won’t help.

Docuss does the opposite: it embeds the site in Discourse.

That’s interesting. Thanks for your reply. Do you expect any sites can work with it, including ones run by SPAs like Angular 2+?

My thought is how I could potentially use this plugin: I could set the subforum page with my separate app, and then have the discourse discussion appear with that page.

That is in fact what I plan to do (users create the subforum on my app, and then I would add discourse to the subforum).

But not sure if this would help in terms of the other issue that remains–how to make sure only users associated with that subforum can post to it.

Docuss requires that you include some js code in your web app or website. When it comes to web apps, it has been successfully tested with React and Meteor, but not with Angular.

Under the hood, Docuss creates tags. So unfortunately it doesn’t help with permissions.

The WordPress demo is broken.

Is anyone using this with WordPress? Would like to see it in action… Thanks.

@Zup, the Wordpress demo has been shut down, as the Wordpress feature didn’t seem to raise any interest. If you’ve got a compelling use case, we can discuss it. I might decide to add Wordpress support to DiscPage (see my next post below).


the Docuss project is not active anymore. Fixes are provided to existing users, but I stopped working on new features. You might want to check DiscPage, which is somewhat of a simplified version.

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I suppose it depends how Docuss integrated WordPress into Discourse. (That’s why I wanted to try the demo.) Basically, my plan is to use WordPress more as a portal to different parts of the website - Discourse being one of the biggest parts, even bigger than the WordPress portal itself. If Docuss encompasses a full-fledged WordPress almost like a frame, that is precisely what I’m wanting. Then I could do away with the various extra header plugins and theme-components and everything would feel like one seamless part rather than two separate ones.

With Docuss, your Wordpress blog would be displayed, without its header, in an iframe in your Discourse instance. There would be a unique Discourse url for each Wordpress page.

Similarly, the Mustacchio demo shows a static website integration:

In your case, the static website would be replaced by your Wordpress blog (without its header).

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I would prefer to keep the WordPress header. Is that an option?

Unfortunately there is no such option.

I just read through all your information about this. It is really unfortunate that you discontinued this project. The SEO value of embedding Discourse comments/etc. on webpages without using an iframe is immense. Your plugin is sooooo close to accomplishing this. You would just have to rewrite some it using Svelte/rollup - so the sidebar loads on the external website.
