Does auto provision of user accounts work with the official OIDC plugin?

Hi, does auto provision of user accounts work with the official OIDC plugin?

I am on the business trial and I want to hook up our Fusion Auth instance using OIDC.

I have the settings here - Discourse OpenID Connect - #200 by tobiaseigen

except for enable_local_logins = true.

However, when I try to login from our SSO to Discourse trial with a fresh SSO account I get

Sorry, access to this forum is by invite only.

If I create the account beforehand in Discourse, then click through it all works.

Is there something I am missing to allow for provisioning where users click over? Or is this even possible?


Can you check if the invite only admin setting is selected? That may be preventing accounts from being created.

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Yep, that was it after much clicking around. Can you update your post for that part?

Now, I am trying to figure out how to get rid of the sign up/login in the middle if the user is not setup on discourse yet.

Great! I would not rely on that reply. The first post which should have definitive instructions. If those are not clear enough/up to date we will have to work on that!

Glad you got it working. :sunflower:


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