Does changing the score values apply historically?

Does changing the values for gamification scores alter the score values for all events for a user, or does it only apply to new scorable events going forward? For example, if a user has 10 solutions over the course of a year, and the original value for a solution is 10 points, they should have 100 points over the year. If I then change the solution value to 5, will that cause their points to drop to 50 for the year, or will that point change only apply to new solutions?

It will only apply to new solutions/posts/likes/etc, but you can recalculate the scores from the Gamification tab to recount everything at the new values.


Thank you for confirming @JammyDodger . We end up recalculating gamification when we merge user accounts anyway, so it’s only a matter of time before the new point values are applied for all previous events.

I was hoping the gamification plugin would leave the old point values in tact even if there was a recalculation, but it looks like we need to figure out another way to preserve the old points.

I have posted a doc on how we accomplished this process.


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