Does installing Discourse using Digital Ocean take up space from my computer?

Hi so this might be a dumb question, but I want to make sure that if I am going to install Discourse using DigitalOcean (by creating a new server and a new droplet), does that somehow affect my computer’s performance/disk space?

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No. Part of the beauty of cloud computing.

However, if you start developing extensions to Discourse, you may have to install a local copy and tools to help you (something to bear in mind for the future).


ok thank you for the quick answer!!

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That said, if you are using Windows, my recommendation for terminal programme (from which you can ssh to your cloud server) is Windows Terminal which is downloadable from the Windows Store … that will take up a little space, but definitely worth it.

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I am using Mac and I think that Mac already has the terminal programme. Creating these ssh keys do not probably affect the performance or disk space of the computer or does it? :smiley:


Absolutely insignificant.