Does "" support Discourse?

I’m in the process of choosing host for my website, but I need it to support Discourse. I will probably choose if they support Ruby and/or other required stuff.

Anyone know something about this?

Just use digital ocean?

I never really understood what that does… Can you explain that to me?

It’s a hosting solution. There is also Communiteq (formerly DiscourseHosting)

So you have to use those hosting services? What if I want to embed it into another page?

I think you need to accustom yourself with discourse a little more and its associated technology.

It installs through docker - so you can bung it on your nans fridge if it supports it.

Perhaps put more of your specific requirements, what you’ve tried, what you want etc

I just wanted to know if I could deploy it there, nothing else.

Oh, I could just use an iframe to embed it in my website! Smart :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks anyway, @Del_Boy_Trotter

Nope it’s not possible to run on As @Del_Boy_Trotter said, try using, or another cheap vps provider.

Nope, Discourse requires a Docker-compatible VPS server. (This rules out some virtualization technologies, and some providers that have a too-old kernel AND don’t let you change it.)

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To be completely clear, there’s no way, no how to run Discourse on They’re one of those bargain basement PHP hosting services, which are almost impossible to use for modern web applications (they still support FTP for file uploads, although they’ve phased out their support for classic ASP by now).

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The sound like a fricking nightmare!!