Draft backup posts trigger the post_created webhook

Is it intentional for the automatically created draft backup posts to trigger the post_created and post_edited webhook events?

Here’s an example of the payload I’m seeing. Note that I’m testing this on a development site. It’s possible I’ve misconfigured something.

Draft post post_created payload
// Headers
Request URL: http://localhost:5173/api/discoursePostEvent
Request method: POST
Accept: */*
Connection: close
Content-Length: 1366
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost
User-Agent: Discourse/3.3.0.beta2-dev
X-Discourse-Event-Id: 3001
X-Discourse-Event-Type: post
X-Discourse-Event: post_created
X-Discourse-Event-Signature: sha256=ba23c86e4f40cc1c05442796227a53eb34a3498750447eeb5ce4e8e9f85ca13a

// Payload
  "post": {
    "id": 1070,
    "username": "scossar",
    "avatar_template": "/user_avatar/{size}/57_2.png",
    "created_at": "2024-05-21T17:48:15.497Z",
    "cooked": "<pre><code>Triggering the post event webhook.\n</code></pre>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-plaintext\">seq: 0\nkey: topic_536\n</code></pre>",
    "post_number": 18,
    "post_type": 1,
    "updated_at": "2024-05-21T17:48:15.497Z",
    "reply_count": 0,
    "reply_to_post_number": null,
    "quote_count": 0,
    "incoming_link_count": 0,
    "reads": 0,
    "score": 0,
    "topic_id": 474,
    "topic_slug": "backup-drafts-from-ongoing-topics",
    "topic_title": "Backup Drafts from ongoing topics",
    "category_id": null,
    "primary_group_name": null,
    "flair_name": null,
    "flair_group_id": null,
    "version": 1,
    "user_title": null,
    "bookmarked": false,
    "raw": "    Triggering the post event webhook.\n\n```text\nseq: 0\nkey: topic_536\n```",
    "moderator": false,
    "admin": true,
    "staff": true,
    "user_id": 7,
    "hidden": false,
    "trust_level": 1,
    "deleted_at": null,
    "user_deleted": false,
    "edit_reason": null,
    "wiki": false,
    "reviewable_id": null,
    "reviewable_score_count": 0,
    "reviewable_score_pending_count": 0,
    "event": null,
    "reactions": [],
    "current_user_reaction": null,
    "reaction_users_count": 0,
    "current_user_used_main_reaction": false,
    "can_accept_answer": true,
    "can_unaccept_answer": false,
    "accepted_answer": false,
    "topic_accepted_answer": false,
    "topic_posts_count": 18,
    "topic_filtered_posts_count": 18,
    "topic_archetype": "private_message"

The requests can be filtered out in the webhook receiving code, but they seem unnecessary for most use cases.

Somewhat related, it would be great if it was possible to limit topic and post event webhooks to regular topics.

For my case, where I want to receive webhooks for all events related to regular topics and don’t want to receive webhooks for PMs, I guess the solution for both issues would be to add all the site’s categories to the WebHook “Triggered Categories” input.

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