Easy Google Search Bar

Have trouble going to a different tab to search something up for a reply? Here’s an easy google search bar to help you out!

It’s a small search bar at the top which allows you to search anything… On Google(Sorry bing and yahoo users!).

Repository: https://github.com/Chaboi45/EasyGooglSearchThemeDiscourse

Desktop view:

Mobile view:

If you want to see a preview of it go here:

If you are interested in downloading this theme component:

  • copy/paste this link by going to admin > customize > themes > import and select web
  • paste this link:
  • click Import
  • select the main theme(s) that users can use and add the component to each theme and you’ll see the theme component in action!

I formatted the text a little to make it more readable and added a last step in the list :wink: