Email invites, can't click send invite button on certain categories

Pretty sure I have something setup wrong, but can’t figure it out…

If I try and invite a user, and type in, as soon as I try and type in the com, net, etc, the send invite button becomes non-clickable.

Is there a setting somewhere I missed?

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Can you repro this @techapj?

Just tested on 1.6.0beta11 +41, same results.

Hmm, I can’t repro this here. Are you using SSO? If you are using SSO you can’t have local email signups.

Thank’s @codinghorror, no SSO and using AWS SES for email.

You sure you don’t have additional code in your customization file that could be causing this? I just tested this on and it worked fine.

What browser are you using?

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Ok, that is really odd, I just re-enabled the CSS changes, and reloaded, and it is working now in latest Chrome and FF on Windows.

Not sure what is going on or why, but right now is appears to be working again.

Thank you!

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Great. Do you mind removing the post in Material Design Stock Theme to avoid any confusion?

Ok, I’m retarded :slight_smile: appears to be on categories that are admin only, the invite doesn’t work, which makes sense. Sorry @jeff and @rewphus. Still cutting my teeth with Discourse.