Email Notification recipients unclear when PM is sent to multiple users

So the solution is adding quirky behaviour to Discourse as well, rather than mirroring how it’d work with mailing lists? :wink:

I think you can tell I’m biased too!

I think this is preserving the mailing list pedigree, but where a group is akin to a mailing list and a user is akin to a person’s email address.

So a PM to reps-council and @leo should behave as an email to and would. You can reply to all to continue the thread (and, as a parallel, PM), or reply to a specific person to start a new thread (and PM) with them.

Well, sortof - I would see removing recipients working like if someone had clicked the “New Message” button in a PM, and removed the recipients in the composer window which pops up:

Indeed, I don’t think that the Basecamp-style solution is bad, I just favour one with more mailing list and email parity. Ultimately I’d be happy with either, though, so I can move forward with adding group names to group PMs. I think at this point someone just needs to make a decision - what does the @team think?

I can’t quite commit to any development time for this yet, but it’s highly likely that I will be able to work on it.