Email notifications for posts made by a specific user


One of my clients is looking to receive email notifications for posts made by me only. Is there a way to do this?

Thank you,

We don’t support watching individual users that way, though I would suggest they could consume your user’s RSS feed.

For example,


Thank you Michael!

I was not aware of this option. I was able to add that link to and it worked great. My discourse is behind the login for my website so I think that might be causing an error with the newsreader. I am trying to figure out if I can add the login information for my website to the newsreader so it can read the feed. So far I am not having any luck :frowning:

If you’re a forum admin, you can generate an API key from the admin interface for the client’s account and add this link to the RSS reader instead:

Make sure to generate a single-account admin API key and not an all-users key.


Be VERY CAREFUL doing this - both you and the user should understand that this API key represents credentials to BE that user and should be kept secure.

We do have a method for having the user create API keys and restricting scope on those… but I do not believe that is exposed in the UI.


As of Discourse 2.1, API keys auto-expire after ~6 months of non-use. Far from a complete solution but it does offer some general protection.

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This is only the case for scoped “user API keys”, which are different from the global API keys in the admin panel.

As @supermathie said, there is no way to create user API keys from the user interface. I think they are only currently used for the mobile app.


Thanks for all the info guys. I really appreciate it.