What is the RSS URL for all Posts published by a User?

I recently created a Latest Topic and Featured Topics widget on my blog that lets readers to read about the latest updates going on my forum directly from the blog’s homepage.

latest topics

I am using the RSS (/latest.rss) file created for the latest topics page and category pages but I could not find a RSS link to display posts submitted by a user.

What I want is a RSS link that will display all posts or topics published by a user. Would really appreciate if I could achieve this because readers would to show their forum activity on their websites.


Sure it would make sense if the user page had a RSS feed that did this.

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Yes it really makes sense because it would help forum admins to better publicize the forum by allowing users to show their activity through a widget installed on their sites. The widget will display the recent posts published by the user by fetching post titles via a RSS link. Doesn’t that sound useful @codinghorror ?

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I also have a need for this.

Something like:


Which would make all public activity available over RSS.

This is relevant:


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@techapj can you add this to your list? The user page should have a default RSS feed of posts / topics by that user in chronological order.


We now have RSS feed for user posts and topics. :sunny:

Posts => Discourse Meta - Latest posts by @codinghorror

Topics => Discourse Meta - Latest topics by @codinghorror
