Email works fine, except for Confirmations and Password Changes

Hi guys,

I’m on 2.6.0.beta5 (saw beta6 today, yay!) and it seems that every email works (digest, user_posted, user_replied, etc) but the notify_old_email_add, confirm_new_email and forgot_password emails don’t work.

With “don’t work” I mean that those apparently don’t reach their destination. (They appear as sent on the Discourse email registry).

The only exception being the one for changing e-mails, when it does reach and the users clicks the link they get the “Sorry, this confirmation link is no longer valid” message.

Any clue or hint of what to do here? I do find it strange that every mail gets to the destination except for those in particular. It makes it difficult (or impossible) for users to validate accounts or change e-mails, risking a lockout.


PD: As a note while investigating, turns out that it does work for newly registered users (confirming e-mail) but not for existing users, existing users don’t receive the confirmation/changepassword emails.

After digging and digging around turns out that this happens under a specific scenario and I don’t know if it is “by design”, an oversight or just me being dumb.

If you created your forum with free registration but eventually changed the settings to “have to approve users”, whenever one of your older users (which didn’t need approval back then) tries to change their password or anything like that, it won’t be possible due to the account “needing to be approved”, and the Change Password and Confirmation E-Mails won’t be sent (even though the Discourse e-mail logs say that are being sent).

This will also prevent said users from signing in on different devices, since the user is “not approved”.

The workaround for this seems to be to have the user login on a different device so that it will pop up for a mod/admin as “to be approved” and then it works as expected, technically.

Regardless of the process part and whether or not this is intended (which if someone can clarify I’ll be grateful just to know if I’m not going crazy :stuck_out_tongue: ), there is the human component of this, users that have X amount of time on your community tend to freak out or “trigger” if they see this because… well, they don’t know that approval is needed because they already have their account. Many of those users “cancel” the approval process thinking it is a bug or something, and so the mods/admins can’t see the approval request.

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