Embed my Discourse Forum as IFrame

Hi guys, so I have been googling, searching, researching and thinking about this… What I’ve found confuses me. So I am now asking you, esteemed Discourse Enthusiast, to explain to me, as if I were a 10 year old child, how to embed certain topics from my forum as an iframe on another website. A step-by-step guide without any derailments, please.

For example, let’s say I want to embed THIS topic here on another website as an iframe.

Thank you very much, I hope this clears up the fog for me :-).


Perhaps some simple HTML?

<iframe src='discourse.example.com'>

Just change the src part to your forum’s URL.

If you’re looking to embed comments and replies though, check this guide out:


See also the allowed_iframes site setting.


Hi guys, quick update. Ive found a setting that needs to be added from the console, that allows my forum to be iframed, in general. I was in a rush, and havent stored the docs to it. Please remind me to post it here if you are looking for a similiar answer.

Just as an FYI, embedding Discourse as an Iframe in another platform isn’t a good idea. The comments thing is fine, but actually embedding the topic leads to a bunch of headaches. I think I even managed to achieve a recursion at some point :sweat_smile:

For reference, I was using the bot on Discourse for guidance and Sam jumped in with the following:

Maybe a published page as an iframe would be ok, but otherwise I would avoid doing this,


There are solutions to integrate arbitrary custom web pages in Discourse itself (instead of the other way around)

Take a look at this:

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