Embedded items broken after updating to latest Discourse beta

Hi everyone,

We recently upgraded to the most recent beta at our AnkiHub Discourse Community here: https://community.ankihub.net/

We noticed that we can no longer see newly embedded items. We also can’t add embedded items anymore (as in they don’t show up)

This is what it looks like now:

This is what it used to look like: CleanShot 2024-08-09 at 11.16.47 · CleanShot Cloud

Trying to add an iframe Iorad tutorial and it no longer appears (I can only add one image since I’m a new user here :slight_smile: )

Let us know if this is a new bug or if there’s something we have to configure on our end.

Thanks in advance!

Hello and welcome @Ahmed7 :slight_smile:

Could you check your allowed iframes setting and make sure they have a trailing slash / at the end?


I added trailing slashes, but they still don’t work. Interestingly, old posts with iframe embeds (before the upgrade) work but new posts don’t work. Also, the iframe renders in the composer preview, but not in the actual post:

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