End user pre-approval queue experience can be much improved

I just experienced this on https://discuss.python.org/ again. As an end user it felt really crummy. :sob:

  1. I can not tell in which topics I have pending approval posts
  2. I can not edit my pending approval posts
  3. I can not tell when my thing is going to be approved

What I would like:

  1. On topics, simply display my unapproved post as the last post in the stream with special formatting saying it is pending approval. It will always be last no matter what. This is editable by me.

  2. When I post instead of ā€œPlease be patientā€, ā€œIt usually takes about 4 hours for posts to be approvedā€, we can recalculate weekly.

  3. Extra super bonus points stretch goal, allow 2 TL3s to approve one of these guys so it happens faster

@eviltrout maybe we can assign this out once your review queue is shipped? It would be a nice little first project for someone who is not yet familiar with the review queue.