Error in Checking Update

A check for updates has not been performed lately. Ensure sidekiq is running.

while you’re logged in to admin, try visitng
yourdomain.tld/sidekiq what do you see there?
if nothing, then ssh into your server and rebuild the container.

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Can you show us the page when you click on the Scheduler tab?


Looks like it’s running properly (Last Result column has plenty of “OK” and Last Run column has recent dates)

I entirely rebuild my instance, still it is there :sadpanda:

When’s the last time the job “Jobs::VersionCheck” ran? (you can see that in the “Scheduler” tab)

It should be less than 24 hours. If not, then click the Trigger button on the same row.


Thanks Fixed! it ran 4 hours ago. why did it stopped?

It shouldn’t have stopped but the only sane answer would be that maybe the system resources were busy doing something else.