Error sending mail. Job exception: hostname "" does not match the server certificate

I have seen some similar posts, however, they are fairly old and don’t quite solve the issue.

I recently installed a copy of discourse on aws. The installation is working however when I register a new account I don’t receive the email. When I check the logs I receive the following error.

Job exception: hostname "" does not match the server certificate


You should contact whoever set up that mail server and have them fix the certificate. Perhaps you are accessing it with the wrong hostname.

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Did you set up a DNS alias for the mail server? The subject name on its certificate is * TLS needs a hostname match to make a secure connection, and the SMTP server doesn’t need to share the same domain as the sending domain, only to be authorized to send as it. is an alias for - can you confirm where you’re getting your SMTP settings from?


Thanks guys, I contacted my host and they supplied the correct hostname.