Fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /discourse)

I am going to modify some of the topic and reply sources.
I want to place a star rating feature next to likes

I don’t know which part to modify Source

There is a lack of understanding of the Ruby language, which makes it difficult to implement code.

Use plugin discourse-rating… Add
Error : fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /discourse)
Have you ever experienced the same error when installing a plugin?
Controller or views file
Do you know where you need to edit?

Are you trying to add the discourse-rating plugin to your production site? Did you try this? Install Plugins in Discourse

Are you trying to change how Discourse works? See Beginner's Guide to Creating Discourse Plugins - Part 1


Thank you for your attention

Q :Are you trying to add the discourse-rating plugin to your production site? Did you try this? Install Plugins in Discourse

Re : It’s no use triying
I don’t have app.yml
I have a development environment

Q : Are you trying to change how Discourse works? See Beginner’s Guide to Creating Discourse Plugins - Part 1
Re : I am not trying

We can’t help with that kind of thing here. Support is limited to the official install, which is a docker-based installation using launcher and the app.yml.

If you opt to use something else you assume any extra technically burden which it creates.

Then you stick the plugins in the plugins directory.

I tried it and succeeded at home
The method does not apply in the company.
The difference is …
discourse version…
my company is discourse ver 18.0

The company version is a development install too?

Yes… docker-compose, postgre, redis installed…

Can you ping GitHub from terminal successfully? (At work)

docker-compose Take a look at some other Topics on this install strategy. Eg. Can Discourse ship frequent Docker images that do not need to be bootstrapped?

I will defer to others on Docker as not an SME

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It looks like a problem with the discourse version.
my coompany is version 18.0 discourse

I went home and removed github
The same error occurs. However, the plug-in works normally.

In the company, If you install the discourse-rating plug-in, it will not run when you restart with the docker.

I found a real error.

Error : undefined method `add_permitted_post_create_param’ for #Plugin::Instance:0x00559773470350

I think all bets are off until you get a working instance of Discourse at your company on latest tests-passed then worry about adding in the plugins later.

From my experience tests-passed is very robust so you would have little to fear (I run three production sites on tests-passed)

1 Like

I have not solved it yet, but I am so sorry.
Thank you for answering my question

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