Feedback on new šŸ” and user menus

Wow - the current menu causes both Firefox and Safari to hang - Firefox generates an ā€œunresponsive scriptā€ warning, Safari plays beachballing. Thatā€™s a pretty nasty regressionā€¦

Wow thatā€™s awful and I have no idea how thatā€™s even possible. Fixing.



The user menu works really well. Thereā€™s just one issue remaining.

  • Hit refresh in the browser
  • Open the user menu. Itā€™s too large. Depending on whatā€™s in your notification list thereā€™s even a scrollbar visible.
  • Close the user menu and open it again. From now on the size of the user menu is just right. At least until you reload the page or open it in a new window.

Can we fix it so that the size is correct even on first load? That would be awesome. :smile:

What browser/OS are you using?

Chrome 45.0.2454.99 on Windows 8.1


Just tried and I canā€™t reproduce. Can you show me a GIF/video of the issue?

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Sure. Here you go.

It seems like it depends on the browser window size. The GIF was recorded at 775 x 711. As you can see thereā€™s some white space after the Log Out link at the bottom.

This is what it looks like on full screen at a resolution of 2560 x 1440.


Hmā€¦ this is odd. I cannot find anything on how to adjust the number of notifications in the user menuā€¦ Problem is, I am getting complaints from my users that they cannot find the logout button. Hereā€™s why:

For a while there was a problem with logout being off-screen at narrow widths, but that was fixed and scrollbars should appear.

Is you version up-to-date?

It says v1.5.0.beta2 +2 - the problem is that they have to scroll to see the logout button (scrollbars are there). Can we restrict the number of notifications in the user menu so that the button is at least visible (if not, what they would prefer, more prominently in the top region of the screen - been there already discussion-wise, I knowā€¦)?

Did you manage to find a plugin/solution to add a logout button to the ā€˜glyphsā€™ area?