Feedback on new 🍔 and user menus

Ok, the combined glyph is out, take a look. Still work to do here.

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We should use glyphs at the top of the user menu, that way we can show a lot more notifications:


10 posts were split to a new topic: Should “log out” be prominent in the UI?

I say full-page nav - Full-page Navigation: an alternative to the 'evil' (but delicious) hamburger

Intuitive, modern, all the space you need, approach would work well on all devices…

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Is the combined glyph just an experiment or is this here to stay?
I miss the simplicity of the notification dropdown. :cry:

The current solution makes it a lot harder to read and click on new notifications. I need to “read” all those distracting options (and I don’t think replacing them with glyphs will help much) before my eye finds the notification I’m looking for.

I’m quite sure Facebook and Google have a good reason for using a separate dropdown for notifications.


I think it makes sense – you are clicking or tapping on your own face (or avatar) and thus need at minimum a way to get to your profile from there.

It’s possible some of the more rarely used stuff (bookmarks, messages, etc) could be moved to the hamburger, though, and reorganized over there in multiple rows and columns, rather than one-text-menu-item-per-row.

You wouldn’t see private mode, so it’s possible we could make the icons grey to make them less “in your face”, and there (at least with the current layout) would just be three:

  • messages
  • bookmarks
  • preferences

Love it!

And yeah, the glyphs replacement is good too. Also, I don’t see any reason why the menu couldn’t be wider on desktop.

Seems notifications isn’t as compact as it used to be; bigger margins. Once it doesn’t require scrolling, it’s perfect.

I agree search panel should be a tad wider than the others @eviltrout.

Also, I went ahead and removed a few redundant items on the user/notifications menu for now.

It would be nice if the X row could not take up a whole row but be floating over the top right instead.

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The / shortcut to launch search currently appears to be broken on Chrome on Mac Os 10.10.5 (14F27).


Its tricky the way stuff is positioned cause you get a full row highlight when you hover over a word so the X has to cut that off.

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The search button is really broken on mobile now.

Opening it on Safari I see the search dialog very briefly before the form element disappears and the thread scrolls back three days, almost to the top of the thread.

Hiding the keyboard the search field pops back in to view, but the position in the thread is still lost.

So, hamburger menu somewhat works but the new combined thing likes scrollbars for pretty much no reason:

Also, while it doesn’t kill me, I will come out and say that I don’t find these huge menus to be appealing really.
As it is, a Discourse-site is pretty much seperated into the header (foreground) at the top and the content (background) below that.
Before, the menus were pretty small so while they were overlaying on the content, you always stayed at the top-portion of the site.
The new “almost fullscreen” menu on desktop doesn’t have that. To me it feels huge for the sake of being huge.
There is tons of padding on each item. This makes sense on mobile and I understand designers like to give things their own space but if you reduced the top/bottom padding on those menu options, you could for example easily fit another option in there.
That is not to say I hate the idea of a full height menu (like it was in the beginning), just the way it is currently implemented looks wrong to me.

Also, while I am composing this post:
Having a draft was not accounted for when using the combined menu:


Search panel weirdness is reproducible in Mobile Safari on iPad in portrait as well. Basically any time the full height panel is out.

But, do you need the X any longer, now that you’re opening the menu below the hamburger icon? I just click the hamburger icon again.

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I actually mentioned that to @codinghorror just now :slight_smile: I am all for nuking the x


Plus the X does not and cannot appear on search anyways… OK, I removed it from the source for now.

On mobile, it’s a bit random if attempting to scroll the new combined slide out scrolls it or the page behind it. The slide out only scrolls about half of one line height so I’m not sure if it’s supposed to scroll to start with?

(iPhone 6, latest non-beta iOS, Safari)


I really dislike the combined Notifications/Avatar tab. First problem - I can’t access my profile without simultaneously clearing the notifications bubble, which I often don’t want to do.

Larger problem is that I use the Profile menu frequently on our own site to access my messages. Now, I have to go to my Profile page and tab through to Messages. On our site, where I’m a moderator, that would involve Enter, 27 x Tab and Enter again, instead of simply Tab, Enter as it stands at the moment.

I also use the Logout from the Profile menu whenever I leave the site (or Meta). The Logout button on the Profile page is not accessible by keyboard.

All in all, no win but a big loss, as far as I’m concerned.


Keyboard wise this is very simple to solve, add a shortcut to get to profile, make logout and messages easily accessible

We can probably add direct keyboard shortcuts to go to messages. And certainly you should be able to go to your profile via keyboard shortcuts.


  • g, p to go to your profile

  • g, m to go to your messages

Also @eviltrout there is duplication in the keyboard shortcuts now since a top level glyph was eliminated.