Feedback on new 🍔 and user menus

Its also totally a bug you cannot tab to “Logout” on profile, so weird… it just skips it.


LOL, then we can make GPL … log you out :slight_smile:


I’m noticing on the examples from other sites around the web, that are posted on this thread, the use of:

Or a similar down arrow glyph to indicate there is a menu available under the avatar. Now that I think about it, I have noticed that some of our users never clicked on the previous notification bubble. I didn’t think to ask them, but I wonder if they never clicked because they didn’t realize it was a menu.


Ugh this is Mobile Safari’s buggy behavior again. Will likely require some crazy hack.


The latest changes with glyphs + labels are nice, definitely more effective than either on their own.

Seems like there’s room for one more though. Any reason why the shortcut to messages was removed? I feel like it was already pretty hard to find, now it’s even more buried.

I guess we could fit messages there but there are 2 concerns

  1. Localization
  2. If anon mode is enabled at the moment we use a slot there

2 is easily solvable by shifting it to below notifications

What about an envelop icon?

I will try out @codinghorror’s mock tomorrow

Did not have much time today

Also… Why did no-one notice the spectacular notification caching

I like @codinghorror’s mockup, with the addition of an icon on Profile and a subtle Log out button.

Quick mockup:

Only profile needs text spelled out. The remaining glyphs can be quickly learned by going to your profile and see them all spelled out there. That should be a satisfactory amount of this “information scent” that everyone’s been getting a whiff of lately.

[quote=“sam, post:119, topic:32519”]
Also… Why did no-one notice the spectacular notification caching
[/quote]You mean the fact that you no longer have to wait half a second while it loads? Yes, I noticed, it’s super neat! (although the addition of new notifications is a tad jarring. Perhaps a subtle animation is in order?)

p.s. for a while now we’ve been discussing the aftershock of the Hamburger menu.


However now the two menus feel like they come from different websites…


I 100% agree on the icon part. The vertical layout seems minor to me. For the icons, I propose something like this (note that on an admin account, the first two entries do have an icon):

…should become:

Not sure about the categories link, though - this is a dual use item: it is a header for the list below, but also a link to the categories page.

If the above would be of interest, I would be glad to send a community PR for it. Just let me know.

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Possibly, I think we need row and column layout for these menus as well. And grouping a bit, too, for example Admin functions should be grouped.

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True, a little more structure might look more attractive there.

Plus, we waste quite a bit of screen real estate with all the white space right of the hamburger links…

The click target for Bookmarks and Profile should match the yellow highlight.
Currently clicking in the yellow, empty space does nothing.


For the record, I just want to say I really don’t like putting the notifications under the profile picture, partly because it just doesn’t sit right (the norm is profile stuff under the profile picture), but mostly because it removes the easy access to PMs, and I much prefer having quick access to messages.

I get the feeling I’m outnumbered here though :blush:


I think that is easily solvable with the glyphs at the top, will be just as easy to reach.

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I think a very natural fit is 1 row with

Latest      Unread(1)       New(2)

That would match the general nav and easily draw attention to it while compressing the nav

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You do have easy access to messages, when you are notified about one, click or tap on it to be taken to the message.

What I don’t understand is why people might need to visit private (personal) messages for any other reason than someone just replied to one, or sent you one…

I actually get this request, there are a breed of users that use PMs VERY extensively. I have seen 40K message pm streams on gearbox…

If you use the feature very heavily then this is a “shortcut” you use a lot.

Its just the same a “why show latest in hamburger?” you can still get there in 2 clicks.

(you may want to dig up a PM, you may want to compose a new PM etc.)

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More open to that than logout, which is indefensible.

Edit: however, it is not the same as hamburger as that is generally 100% optional menu. So we are forcing everyone to see it every time they visit notifications which is quite frequent, and really mandatory if you are actually engaging with people in discussion.

Not quite sure “arbitrary link to private (personal) messages, when you get urgently notified every time you have one anyway” is super defensible in that context. I actually do not want to encourage a bunch of private below the radar conversations, either.